Example sentences of "[noun] it be [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 From Ryedale it 's from fifteen point two three to twenty point six three .
2 After the official closure it was with mixed emotions that we took our leave of Wadeville .
3 I mean there are some Conservatives who do actually believe in the social welfare of the but there are also , I 'm I 'm sure there are large numbers who actually know what vicious streak there is behind a lot of the other measures of social control that have gone on in this country since consensus was in nineteen seventy nine er you actually realise what what a tragedy it is in this area .
4 When Caro made her escape after tea it was with all the usual feelings of guilt and frustration ; with her mother suggesting brightly , ‘ Just let me measure you for that new jumper before you go , Carolyn , ’ and , ‘ Did I show you the new suite we were thinking of getting , in the catalogue ?
5 The reminiscing continued — the deaths of friends , one man marching alone through the night , the terrible hard labour it was for some men to die , night marches from one safe house to another , the rain , the wet , the damp , the cold of waiting for an ambush in one place for hours .
6 It 's just like an inverse it 's of that number
7 Artichaut sauce vinaigrette it was for both the girls .
8 On the spiritual side it was at one time also considered self-evident that the Russians , adherence to the Christian religion put them automatically on a higher plane than the heathen , raw-flesh-eating ‘ savages ’ .
9 I used to do that when I was working and I had to leave at half four , used to do our kids , see when that clock gets to nine waken me I 'm fucking cold out our Ashley said mummy it 's after nine
10 Small it is in this poore sort
11 In its grace , fire , and expressive fluency it was in some ways an important transition between the old Teutonic Bach style of the nineteenth century and what we expect now from the so-called authenticity movement .
12 Moreover , if there was maladministration it is of little consequence now in that the new regime established by the Financial Services Act of 1986 has rendered the DTI 's role in this matter redundant .
13 It 's a wonder it 's still here but it 's no wonder it 's in such a God-forsaken state … ’
14 Only in February it was like this .
15 Apart from the loss of its columns it is in fine condition and has richly decorated doorway ( 139 ) and , inside , a barrel vaulted , coffered ceiling , its caissons finely enriched with flowers and heads .
16 As a symbolic act it was of much importance since it offered the prospect of a framework for a wider Anglo-Irish settlement and provided a hope of genuine political involvement for the Catholic minority in Northern Ireland , not in a failed local assembly but through their co-religionists in the south .
17 In Belgium , France , Ireland , Italy and Spain it was between 16 and 20 weeks at 70-80 per cent of salary .
18 if you have , cos what , what happens is if you put A and B it erm it parallels them off , so if you 've got two sets of four amps it 's in two rows
19 Have a gap there but I mean whereas at the moment it 's like that , not to that .
20 So he has accepted an offer to drive the new Vector at Silverstone , but insists at the moment it is for this race only .
21 A the moment it is in most cases just about possible to say that , according to a family history , a certain risk exists .
22 After studying the small lake he knew instinctively that if there was a fish it was in this pool .
23 Although Scottish Homes ' flagship schemes , such as the renewal of Wester Hailes , capture most attention it is in smaller projects that most of the agency 's efforts are concentrated .
24 Because of its long withdrawal period it is of limited use in meat producing animals .
25 Embarrassment is under no obligation to be comic , though it is most naturally that , and as a fictional theme it is of inexhaustible power and seemingly unending appeal .
26 Yeah I was told by Mr it was like one of the worst
27 She just sat on the stairs eating biscuit after biscuit until , just before midnight , the telephone rang and she heard the voice of the surgeon telling her that the operation was over , that it had been a complete success and that Paul was likely to make a rapid recovery It was after that call that Annette realised that she had steadily munched her way through two and a half packets of biscuits .
28 It 's not from a chip shop it 's from that Londis shop .
29 Antiques day at a the , this is the all the places it 's at this Sunday and it 's er , in Chester .
30 Do you remember the Caldmore and Palfry shopping festival it was in nineteen twenty three apparently , do you remember anything about that , anything about competitions and odd things like that ?
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