Example sentences of "[noun] it would seem that " in BNC.

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1 Although Crawford was one of the few Test cricketers to play in spectacles it would seem that his eyesight was not so poor that he could not be used by the military .
2 On the wording of the statute it would seem that an effective entry into the building is sufficient without the accused 's going so far as to be in a position to effect his ulterior intent .
3 Apart from Ireland it would seem that the smaller European countries have contained the situation better than have the larger ones , but this is an artefact since other small countries such as Belgium , Netherlands and Denmark follow the same trend as the larger countries .
4 On this basis it would seem that a conglomerate merger is unlikely to fall foul of the guidelines .
5 Readers may well be familiar with Bristol F.2b Fighter G–AANM that is nearing completion by Aero Vintage it would seem that the Demon is next for their from-the-ground-up treatment .
6 And very quickly talking about it amongst the staff and er the other committees it would seem that it ought to have a far broader remit than just on the racing side so the first thing that I 'd like to emphasise is that this year of youth sailing is involves all the outgoing grass roots divisions of the R Y A , that is windsurfing , racing , training and the development divisions and the regions and the clubs and the recognized teaching establishments , so it really is an all encompassing er er scheme .
7 In common with so much of this history of respectable fears , we find ourselves once more in the realm of feeling rather than fact , for although Baden-Powell never tired of claiming that Scouting could reach the Hooligans , on the available evidence it would seem that the movement 's major recruiting base was among middle-class and lower middle-class youths , rather than among slum youth .
8 From your dealer 's comments it would seem that you have this creature .
9 On this count it would seem that his repeated professions of scientificity would place Bourdieu firmly in the modernist camp .
10 At first sight it would seem that there are two possible results from acid + alkali reaction .
11 Answer guide : This raises the question of when the earnings process is complete and in this case it would seem that the process is not going to be completed therefore no entries need to be made .
12 In all other cases it would seem that the union 's responsibility for the acts of an individual are to be determined by the general law of master and servant or agency .
13 Although at the political level it would seem that the Keynesian position has been relegated , at the theoretical ( and practical ) level it is maintained that fiscal policy can influence the achievement of the objectives of government policy .
14 In order to make sense of a self that has ‘ survived ’ both discourses of colonialism it would seem that Bhimji 's strategy has been one of intense resourcefulness , gathering in herself and her experiences .
15 But from what we know of local practices It would seem that she must have been crucified Very near an ant-hill .
16 In order to draw this out of him , he wrote a vastly elaborate commentary on the Lay , softening the blow of his harsher criticisms by inventing the personae of a whole group of scholarly editors who are debating the text in the way that scholars have disputed over Homer or Beowulf It would seem that Tolkien took a great deal of notice of Lewis 's invented editors , for he rewrote his Kay and incorporated a high proportion of their emendations .
17 Therefore in Daniels v. White it would seem that the employer ( the defendant ) ought to have been held liable .
18 At this stage it would seem that the copyist was perplexed by the floating " 30 " Ip " , which he took to be 30,000 .
19 USING THE American motion picture industry as a gauge of public interest it would seem that through the post-war years the American public was content to uneasily ignore the catastrophe that was Pearl Harbor .
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