Example sentences of "[noun] it [is] [adj] that " in BNC.

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31 At a time when HMI and others are prescribing more consultative and collaborative ways of working in primary schools it is appropriate that some research takes place into the kinds of social and communication skills required of teachers .
32 In the two least successful schools it is notable that the proportion of senior women was lowest , in one case despite the fact that the head teacher was a woman .
33 Over the next few months it is likely that the Home Office will order out hundreds more of the 3,500 Kurds who arrived in May and June and now live in north London .
34 But the greatest blow to the dictates of fashion on women 's dress came with the World War I. Although Laura Ashley had , unconsciously , much in common with the nineteenth-century dress reformers it is ironic that their efforts towards change were entangled inextricably with the organized struggles for the rights of women ; women , to be taken seriously , had to dress in a more robust , sensible manner , they stated — an argument amply demonstrated by their usefulness in wartime .
35 On appeal , not merely was no criticism levelled at this direction , but Humphreys J. himself stated that ‘ where … the charge is one of rape it is necessary that the prosecution should prove that the girl or woman did not consent and that the crime was committed against her will . ’
36 With so much at stake it is understandable that the Department of Trade and Industry is doing everything in its power to avoid all-out war .
37 In Hampshire it is possible that boat traffic is too high at 1991 levels .
38 From paintings like ‘ The Peasant Boy ’ in the Tate Gallery it is clear that Modigliani did not patronize or talk down to his models .
39 The industrial tribunals at present have no jurisdiction to decide breaches of contracts of employment , and if the statutory protection against unfair dismissal is to retain its advantages over common law it is essential that tribunals decide cases according to reasonableness and not contract .
40 Without entering into the fine detail of what is required for a system of institutional international law it is clear that merely historically-established conventions followed according to the discretion of the participants in international relationships between states is insufficient to constitute law and is better regarded as a form of anarchy .
41 If by established principles of English law it is clear that Derbyshire County Council has the right to sue for libel then this court must say so and let the action proceed .
42 Although this is the first recorded instance of a private undertaker being used by the royal household it is possible that they had been previously involved in some small way in royal funerals , for it is doubtful that the College of Arms provided coffins and it would seem probable that they contracted this out to the trade , to people such as William Russell — indeed , could it have been Russell who provided the coffin for Queen Mary in late December 1694 ?
43 For presentations to senior management it is essential that you establish precisely how much time you are allowed , if necessary by asking the chairman .
44 However , from evidence submitted by McLoskey Coal Information Services and the British Association of Colliery Management it is clear that orimulsion , the fuel from Colombia , has a higher sulphur content than British coal .
45 Even if the complete compound exists within the syntax window it is likely that the incorrect parts of speech will be assigned to the constituent words resulting in an erratic selection of words by the analyser .
46 The first is where on the true construction of the Act it is apparent that the obligation or prohibition was imposed for the benefit or protection of a particular class of individuals , as in the case of the Factories Acts and similar legislation …
47 As the mosaicist had to understand but not devise geometries it is likely that he could amend illustrated motifs but would copy , as a whole , the arrangements suggested for a mosaic .
48 Our God is a communicator ; we see that in a supreme way in His gift of Jesus — but in this passage it is clear that God wanted to make sure that everyone in the land could understand the seriousness of the problem .
49 Given the present economic constraints on the NHS it is inevitable that there will be reductions in the present level of resources tied up in these two hospitals .
50 If one looks at the lists of endangered specials it is apparent that many are large animals .
51 In mimicking a dialogue it is important that you hear the language helper say the utterance again after you have mimicked , so that the last version you hear is the correct one .
52 In such a mood it is inevitable that the Government 's attempts to bring about change through legislation and increased prescription will be generally felt to be yet another attack on autonomy and yet another indication of a lack of trust in teachers ' judgement and their ability to do a good job .
53 In view of these possible sources of error it is surprising that extrapolated profiles ever yield results of any value .
54 As public shopping arcades lend themselves to situations of abuse it is important that they have somewhere warm to go ; one example of a voluntary initiative is that Bradford Council of Mosques has set up a day centre for retired older men .
55 With augmentation it is obvious that the quicker-moving parts will end before the augmentation .
56 Our interpretation is that gas-phase HNO 3 has by that time been sequestered in the condensed phase by heterogeneous reactions on polar stratospheric cloud surfaces , forming nitric acid trihydrate as temperatures fell below 196K in winter It is probable that a substantial fraction of nitric acid has not only been lost from the gas phase , but also removed from the stratosphere by the growth and subsequent sedimentation of aerosol particles .
57 When applying glottochronological analyses it is crucial that only cognate words are compared , and not words which are coincidentally similar , or which may have been borrowed from one language into another : to include these would give a false high rating of similarity .
58 Like Humpty Dumpty it is unlikely that the communist system can be put together again .
59 Builders must finish the job in a proper and workmanlike fashion and must use suitable materials — you have a claim if these principles are not adhered to , and if you can establish shoddy or negligent work it is possible that the courts will award damages for inconvenience caused in addition to the cost of rectifying the initial problem .
60 Due to the onerous nature of this work it is important that any engagement letter fully indemnifies the Firm .
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