Example sentences of "[noun] to which [pron] might " in BNC.

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1 The official resolution said in reply that the gracefulness of his welcome was only increased because he ‘ did not belong to any of the Free Churches … and did not belong to any section of those political parties to which they might be supposed to belong ’ .
2 Mr Davis , can you , would you like to sum up , and pick up these points , and before , I 'm going to bowl you a googly here , erm you have talked about fourteen hundred , as the size for the new settlement , erm , is that the top figure , or is that a figure to which you might aim by the year two thousand and six , but may have potential for growth beyond it .
3 The presbytery asked members of the church to note that the South Ronaldsay Parents ' Action Committee had set up a fund for legal aid to which they might like to contribute , and they asked their Social Matters Committee to look into the question of guidance to ministers in cases involving the Social Work Department .
4 Like many socialists and intellectuals educated in the traditions of the high establishment , he fussed about the education of his own children and about the schools to which they might go .
5 Looking at the specific people and events mentioned , the degree to which one might talk of ‘ organisation ’ seems somewhat open to question .
6 Yet right up until the Second World War , I suspect , Pau was looked on by a certain kind of English middle-class family as a safe and congenial southern town to which one might retire , or where , if need arose , the socially disgraced might comfortably hide .
7 In his reply St. Johnston said that the Chief Inspector of Constabulary at the Home Office , whom he had consulted , did not think he should accept the invitation to join the working party , but that there would be no objection to his attending any meeting to which he might be invited .
8 The victims would resist more if they knew the limits of ill-treatment to which they might be subjected .
9 How strange that from all the many places to which she might have been drafted , chance had come up with Ardneavie .
10 She moved in a way that seemed to emphasize the body beneath the clothes , to hint at the purposes to which it might be put .
11 The ends to which they might properly be put would be severely limited by these considerations .
12 Our system of government is being changed , with increasing disregard for tradition , the only unwritten rules to which one might appeal as ‘ constitutional ’ principles .
13 Having ignored her for forty minutes whilst they failed to answer questions about Amy to which she might know the answer , Theodora might perhaps have been forgiven for telling them nothing .
14 Within the bounds of some agreed domain , he allows his resources to be controlled by an authorized decision-making unit to which he might or might not belong .
15 So suddenly fatherless , and so abruptly given to a husband , translated from the familiar company of her sisters at Brecon to this barbarous foreign court where she was the last and loneliest of the children , Isabella had looked round her forlornly for an anchorage to which she might ride in safety .
16 Particularly with insects , whose chitinous exoskeletons make it difficult to consider them in anthropomorphic terms , how are we to discover the extent to which they might be acting intelligently ?
17 The only snag is : ‘ Nobody asked if the families wanted to do it , or even could : nobody seriously studied the extent to which there might even be a family ’ ( Whitehorn , 1987 ) .
18 If 5% , let us say , of the total of first-preference votes are given to minute parties and frivolous independent candidates , there is no good reason why they should secure even the minimal representation to which they might in strict theoretical proportionality be entitled .
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