Example sentences of "[noun] to his [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Attlee , an astute judge of men , banked on Mountbatten 's ambition to provide an adequate counterweight to his proclivity for risk , and in this judgement he was proved to be correct .
2 Stuart is known as Bobby to his team-mates after graduating from the ex-England manager Bobby Robson 's School of Excellence .
3 Morty Bahr , the CWA 's president , has presented the deal to his members as an unprecedented chance for the union to have a hand in corporate decision-making ; he wants the CWA to be a model for other American unions .
4 At the centre of Piaget 's theory lie a number of basic concepts that owe a great deal to his interest in biology .
5 The creator of the ‘ miracle ’ at Sabina Park , 1989–90 , Graham Gooch has four centuries to his name against West Indies .
6 If this suggests that there are other sorts of English people than the sort Auden has in his sights , on the other hand it lends point and force to his censure of Beerbohm , and of what Beerbohm stands for in English life .
7 His graphic denunciation of neglect in the West Indies , Warning from the West Indies ( 1936 ) , appeared months before serious West Indian riots , lending force to his advocacy of reconstruction by colonial development .
8 By taking a peerage he ruined the political career of his elder son , who had become Unionist MP for Plymouth in 1910 and was elevated to the Lords in succession to his father in 1919 , but also created the opportunity for his daughter-in-law , Nancy ( later Viscountess Astor , q.v. ) to win her husband 's seat at a by-election , and thus become the first woman to sit in the House of Commons .
9 The flat nose was a testament to his habit of fighting with his guard down .
10 He was more than anyone responsible for the loss to his Church of the Scottish settlers and their descendants in the north of Ireland .
11 The plaintiff understood this to mean that , although damage to the crop might result , the " Commando " would nevertheless be effective to kill the wild oats ; and , as the weed infestation was so serious , he was prepared to run the risk of some loss to his crop of winter wheat .
12 All through the pages of Ramakrishna 's biography appears his gentle humour which often acted as a prelude to his flights of ecstasy .
13 This was a prelude to his speech on 21 February 1957 when he proclaimed his konsepsi ( conception ) of what was to be Guided Democracy .
14 ‘ They 'll be calling him up soon enough , ’ said a corporal to his mate in a loud whisper from the far side of the carriage .
15 In reply to his observations about security , I should point out that in recent weeks the Chief Constable indicated that four out of five terrorist attempts are prevented and interdicted as a result of the work of the security forces .
16 And , without waiting for a reply to his question about whether she gave Morton tacit approval for the book which became the biggest seller in the history of royal publishing , Philip went on to accuse his daughter-in-law of putting the dignity of the Crown at risk .
17 Yanto waited for a reply to his offer with bated breath .
18 But in addition to his constructive plans , Lanfranc also took steps to cut down the force of opposition to his changes by sending away ‘ for correction ’ one of the chief trouble-makers , a monk called Osbern .
19 To use the same metaphor that de Gaulle had used about Barricades Week , the putsch burst the abscess of opposition to his policies within the army .
20 He also blamed the English family connexion of the crown princess for opposition to his politics at court .
21 It is true that his late play , the Bacchae ( produced in 405 B.C. , a year after his death ) , dealing expressly with Dionysus and the early opposition to his worship in Greece , is to be interpreted as a belated recognition that such opposition is in fact inadvisable : Pentheus , who opposes the god , is destroyed , and the poet impresses on us that Dionysus is too powerful to be ignored .
22 That it was a really serious quarrel , ’ she muttered unwillingly , shutting her mind to his line of reasoning .
23 We know that Olaudah Equiano spread successive printings of his autobiography after its first publication in 1789 by selling them with antislavery as well as personal benefit in mind to his audiences after meetings .
24 At the same time English forces sent to help to restore his brother-in-law to his principality of the Palatinate were all killed or captured .
25 Gaughan held his head in his hands after 23 minutes when Shrewsbury defender Dean Spink headed just over his own bar while trying to clear another effort , and the former Sunderland man forced Perks to his knees with a long range right foot shot .
26 This enables a student to optimise the opportunities presented to him without prejudice to his progression through the examination system .
27 The evident surprise displayed by some Cabinet ministers about her reference to a referendum lent further weight to his criticisms of her style of leadership and unwillingness to consult Cabinet colleagues .
28 I lent weight to his side of the story
29 Lester Piggott added another chapter to his legend at Bath yesterday .
30 He has added another successful chapter to his career as part of Blackburn 's 10m transformation from cloth cap country cousins to big time tycoons of British football .
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