Example sentences of "[noun] to the [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Benin climbed out and crossed to the guardhouse where he showed his ID card to the nearest of three armed sentries .
2 Clearly Osbern thought there was still much to do ; he must have seen Anselm 's succession to the archbishopric as a new hope for the Anglo-Saxon past , and he was greatly alarmed by Anselm 's delay in accepting .
3 A : what have you got to do this afternoon B : oh I 'm * going to repair the child bar A : what do you mean CHILD bar B : uh it 's er metal bar goes acr — has to be fixed from one side of the car I mean from one side of the back seat to the other for the BABY seat to go on A : AH …
4 She tried joining her mind to the millions of people everywhere glued to screens for this all important match but all she could see was Colm 's pudgy little legs swinging backwards and forwards and the grim look on his face as she washed away the crusted blood .
5 ‘ I endeavour to serve all parties to the best of my ability , ’ the lawyer said repressively .
6 Transfer of his surplus caused the VUPP vote to the increased from .6 of a quota to a full quota thus ensuring the eventual election of Trimble with the transfer of Jordan 's votes in Stage IX .
7 THE Summer Fayre Committee express grateful thanks to the following for their generous donations and prizes for the Grand Draw .
8 The pace and enthusiasm flagged considerably when attention had to switch from abstract or grand designs to the nitty-gritty of practical details .
9 Indeed the Department of the Environment issued in 1976 a code of practice aimed at the prevention and abatement of smells from animal wastes which states that ‘ in any proceedings brought because of an alleged odour nuisance it may be a relevant consideration if the company has adhered to the code of practice to the best of its ability ’ .
10 ‘ That the Dawson International Executive Share Option Scheme 1993 , the provisions of which are summarised in the Appendix to the letter to members of the Company dated 16th June 1993 , to be constituted by the Rules produced in draft to this meeting and for the purposes of identification initialled by the Chairman hereof , be and is hereby approved and the Directors be and are hereby authorised to do all acts and things which they may consider necessary or expedient for implementing and giving effect to the same including making such amendments to the Rules as may be necessary to gain the approval of the Inland Revenue . ’
11 Ray Floyd , having dumped his ball in it to help Faldo to the second of his titles , would not deem it so .
12 Alternatively , the vendor may require the purchaser to assign to it all rights against third parties but the purchaser will wish to restrict the vendor 's ability to commence proceeding against customers as this may affect the goodwill of the business ; ( h ) to limit some of the warranties to the best of the vendor 's knowledge , information and belief .
13 ‘ You 're missing the views , ’ Otley scolded as people ran from one side of the carriage to the other in order to catch everything .
14 Not much more than a century later the king 's successor made his submission to the British after the punitive raid on Benin City .
15 This curtain covered the entrance to the Holy of Holies .
16 Joseph replied with a renewed bid , this time of £43 million , Watney 's came back again with £47 million , and so the battle swayed from one side to the other for eight weeks .
17 Away goes Lawrence now living dangerously pushes this one forward , that 's a better stroke , goes square on the off side to the nearer to the two gullies , fielded by Robin Smith .
18 As with other authors who have had recourse to the analytic versus holistic distinction ( Bever and Chiarello , 1974 ; Bever , Hurtig and Handel , 1976 ; Ross and Turkewitz , 1976 ; Gates and Bradshaw , 1977a ) this is a post-hoc explanation , not an experimental test of the notion that different cognitive strategies are characteristic of left and right hemispheres .
19 ‘ Graham led from the first lap to the 97th at Monaco , and then ran out of oil .
20 I will spring a tear , come to attention and salute that old Scottish soldier who took an alien handed to feed his family and still bring honour to the 91st of Foot .
21 The earldom of Derby was conferred on Henry of Grosmont , son and heir of the Earl of Lancaster , and Hugh Audley , the old rival of the Despensers , received the earldom of Gloucester , to which he had a claim by virtue of his marriage to the second of the coheiresses of Gilbert de Clare Earl of Gloucester who fell at Bannockburn .
22 It may well be that the Tories ' most lasting and damaging contribution to the cultural life of the nation will have been their deliberate subjection of Britain 's television companies to the crudest of market forces , which will almost certainly reduce the best programmes in the world to the shoddy idiocies everyone else in Europe and US is fed .
23 He explains how the Soviet research and development system worked at all levels , top to bottom , from Stalin to the millions of Gulag prisoners who built all 15 of the secret Soviet atomic towns that existed in 1953 .
24 it is your duty as a manager or supervisor to tell your subordinates all that they need to know to perform their work to the best of their ability
25 Alone , I could hide my inability , force myself to concentrate and to finish any given piece of work to the best of my ability , no matter how long it took me .
26 Cholera , brewed in the foulness where sewage runs into the drinking water , is an ever-present menace to the poor of Africa and South Asia .
27 Labour 's job is to defend its people and communities to the best of its collective abilities , and prepare for the next time .
28 If , as Brian Wilson says , it is Labour 's job to defend its people and communities to the best of its collective ability in Scotland , then it has to be accepted that the Scots have to go it alone .
29 So , between 10.00 and 17.00 hours from the 23rd of May to the 30th of September inclusive , bikes should not be ridden on the Llanberis Bridleway , the Snowdon Ranger Bridleway and the Rhyd Ddu Bridleway .
30 From Wadi Halfa in the south to the Mediterranean in the north , local communities developed settled agriculture along the Nile and in its fertile delta .
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