Example sentences of "[noun] it [verb] [to-vb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It was in this atmosphere of unease that the Younger Committee reported ; about computers it had to say that , restricted as it was to investigating private sector applications , it had no evidence of abuse , but that there was a possibility and apprehension of abuse in the future .
2 In return it tries to ensure that the quality of life at each of the four campuses offers a rewarding , pleasurable and fulfilling experience to each member of the student community .
3 For the moment it suffices to say that the BCG-matrix approach was a critical step in emphasizing ( 1 ) the need for a balanced portfolio of products within a corporate group in order to sustain longer-run success , and ( 2 ) the dynamic nature of managing large corporations .
4 He managed to reduce the variegated and picturesque spectacle of the Middle Ages to the unity of a humoristic concept at the very moment it began to dissolve and crumble . ’
5 For the starvelings it had to suffice that His Munificent Highness personally attached the greatest importance to their fate , which was a very special kind of attachment , of an order higher than the highest .
6 The very successful Dexion slotted angle iron appealed to a very broad market ( anyone whose used storage ) yet it was specialised for the job it had to do and sold at a good price .
7 For present purposes it suffices to say that futures contracts undertaken for investment purposes ( as opposed to commercial purposes ) are investments subject to the FSA .
8 Once he thought he had found the perfect room but leaning against the wall it started to collapse and he narrowly escaped just seconds before the ceiling fell on top of him .
9 Erm that um anyway er that 's a slight aside so erm when you hear people going on about false memory syndrome it tends to pre-suppose that there are certain memories which are true by contrast um which is n't necessarily always going to be the case .
10 But although the deputies said they clinched an agreement on the charter on Thursday morning it began to collapse when Lebanese leaders , including the Christian army commander , Michel Aoun , and the Druze leader , Walid Jumblatt , criticised it .
11 Society has to decide how much risk-taking it wishes to encourage and to allow a proper return to risk-taking as an economic cost against accounting profits .
12 I do n't know how much sense it makes to say that I am tiring of Tod 's company .
13 In that sense it was like any small business borrowing the capital it needs to expand and survive .
14 As it is used in the draft poem it seems to imply that not only are the decadent versions of primitive sexual rituals inane , the god dead and impotent , however passionate the rituals of his worship , but that even the ultimate act of martyrdom is a sexual indulgence .
15 The X Business Group , the force trying to energize this new-fangled trade organisation , the X Industry Association ( UX No 410 ) , has extended the December deadline it set to see if it could get industry backing until January because the solicitation letters just went out .
16 With increasing persistence it continued to argue that West Germany should be brought into the western defensive system with its own military forces .
17 As the moon completes its orbit it seems to shrink or wane through the phases of gibbous , half moon and crescent , back to new moon .
18 To use the phrase which better expresses the underlying concept , what the requirements of fairness demand when any body , domestic , administrative or judicial , has to make a decision which will affect the rights of individuals depends on the character of the decision-making body , the kind of decision it has to make and the statutory or other framework in which it operates .
19 To use the phrase which better expresses the underlying concept , what the requirements of fairness demand when any body , domestic , administrative or judicial , has to make a decision which will affect the rights of individuals depends on the character of the decision-making body , the kind of decision it has to make and the statutory or other framework in which it operates .
20 One view is that , even though the current physical self will perish , the spirit goes on from life to life ; if this is the case , one of the things that spirit has to learn is how to deal with all areas of negativity. 1 believe that , by the time the spirit enters the body , it has already chosen the lessons it wishes to learn and the difficulties it wishes to overcome during that lifetime .
21 The machine keeps increasing the numbers it has to divide but the answer line does not change .
22 In other words , you dial it up , examine an index for the information it has to offer and then access what you want .
23 By these measures it sought to ensure that direct entry and thesis-entry members were at least of an equivalent calibre to student graduates .
24 The dish contained something shiny and wobbly and pink with a cherry on it , and in some strange way it managed to look like something you would n't eat even if it was pushed on to your plate after a week 's starvation diet .
25 Consider only the very diverse practices it offers to unite or even , in some versions , to make in some sense identical .
26 The requirement to " be able to show " that a firm believes on reasonable grounds that an advertisement is fair and not misleading might imply no more than that the burden of proof is on the member , but on balance it seems to imply that hard evidence should be maintained to justify a particular advertisement .
27 At this time it came to pass that there was strife between Count Don Gomez the Lord of Gormaz , and Diego Laynez the father of Rodrigo ; and the Count insulted Diego and gave him a blow .
28 The diagnosis of gonorrhoea in man can thus be confirmed in the majority of cases within the time it takes to stain and examine a slide of urethral discharge from the penis — a matter of some fifteen or twenty minutes .
29 Given the time it takes to write and then publish a book , our apparently insatiable appetite for the stuff causes real problems : the satirical observation conceived now is likely to look at best , a little tired , and , at worst , incomprehensible , in twelve to eighteen months ' time .
30 [ aside ] I 'll nip this bud by the time it begins to open and place it in my bosom for a year or two at least .
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