Example sentences of "[noun] it [verb] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 As far as property damage is concerned , the provisions are really aimed at the consumer market , so , if you buy a home computer as a Christmas present for your uncle and because of a fault it catches fire and causes £1,500 of damage to his house , then your uncle will have a claim under the 1987 Act against the manufacturer of the computer for the damage to the house and furniture .
2 Although NeXT Computer Inc has stumbled , Data General Corp , which last year signed to resell NeXT boxes , will maintain a relationship with Steve Jobs ' company — it says it was always more interested in the NeXTstep software anyway , and it will market the environment on the 80486 personal computers it buys OEM once it becomes available .
3 It finished up with one erm very relevant , relevant to this class , quotation erm ca n't remember the last part of it though , he was talking about the Indian , that he had a , talking about it and saying voodism catholism and then the next stage erm which I ca n't remember the word but in effect it meant co-operation and you ca n't get that it seems to me unless you have a , a change of vision , change in erm not just in society but in people because this is where it starts .
4 It overlooks the fact that people with impairments have different needs from people without impairments , and the uniformity it introduces means that the specific needs and characteristics of individuals often go unrecognised .
5 When your skin becomes damaged by sunburn it loses heat and moisture more easily and when it is extensive then sunstroke follows when someone is dehydrated and lacking salt .
6 In England it provided sails and cables for the fleet ; and for this reason , legislation going back to the reign of Henry VIII required that a small proportion of land be set aside for its production .
7 Sugar was displayed at the world market price of 33p a kilo and at the 68p it costs Britons because of the Common Agricultural Policy .
8 Even in rehearsal it requires stamina and dedication to make it appear so smooth .
9 If she 'd meant to lie , she 'd have planned the lies ; as it was , it was more like someone else speaking , someone for whom all the tales might be true : the tales of the amorous husband who would not be denied , or even delayed ; of her horrified discovery that her tried and trusted dutch cap had let her down after all these years , of her disappointment that she would not now be able to train as a doctor or run a campaign for more zebra crossings or offer a home to her poor ailing mother ; and then of course there were the medical difficulties , what with her diabetes and the early mongol child that died and all those Caesarians ; and the home where there was n't an inch of space and how the baby would mean eviction and bankruptcy ; and the fear that the baby might be too obviously of mixed-race ; and the over-riding , gut-rending terror that the baby might have royal blood ( of course if ever this got outside these walls there would be no answering for the political consequences for the western world ) and in the circumstances it seemed kind that the child should never be born .
10 He prefers the separation it gives actors and audience .
11 Unfortunately for IBM , the catalogue does show up some of the problems it has pricing and delivering its own product lines — of the X-terminals in the catalogue for instance , IBM 's Xstation 130 , priced at £3,574 , is both more expensive than any of the Network Computing Devices Inc and Tandberg Data A/S models listed , and the only one to take 15 days for delivery rather than 96 hours for the rest .
12 Like all good pantomimes it scrambled history and myth with some good topical jokes .
13 Like the documents issuing from central Government it listed aims and pointed to the importance of linking teaching to exploration and experience as a means of helping young people ‘ know the real world ’ .
14 The economist John Maynard Keynes advocated just such an approach in the Thirties , arguing that during a recession it made sense because there were idle resources available .
15 In addition it warns Sun that it is alienating its customers by not letting them apply their corporate discounts to the Classic and by letting them perceive Sun as turning its back on its established technical clientele to pursue the commercial marketplace .
16 Facts are events which are both authentic and significant ; in most cases we trust judges and juries , or less formal bodies , to determine them , but in complex cases it requires judgement and is by no means obvious .
17 Of course it says things that are uncomfortable for the Government and for local authorities .
18 It went to the womb it met maggot and rottenness
19 Although oxygen is a good oxidising agent ( atom or molecule that accepts electrons from the molecule it oxidises ) , restrictions on the direction of spin of the electrons it accepts means that it usually accepts these one at a time as shown in the following equations :
20 The men collect it and know that of the children doing it , you would think that they 'd have noticed over the years , that at the end of each month it says , on the readers ' list it says children and I think that
21 If this suggests that there are other sorts of English people than the sort Auden has in his sights , on the other hand it lends point and force to his censure of Beerbohm , and of what Beerbohm stands for in English life .
22 Published by Collins it costs £11.95 and is available from bookshops and stationers around the country .
23 The industry has done much to publicise its fees and the way it calculates charges but cost still remains a hurdle for many companies .
24 The framework I want to propose rests upon a regard for the importance of the active , interpreting self in social interaction ; for the way it perceives , makes sense of and works upon the actions of others and the situation in which it finds itself ; the way it pursues goals and tries to maximize its own ( often competing ) interests ; the way it pursues these things by combining or competing with other selves ; the way it adjusts to circumstances while still trying to fulfil or retrieve its own purposes — and so forth .
25 So should a school like this one equip for the realities of unforgiveness of the world outside , or should it be much more generous in the way it shows forgiveness and can a school be organised so that it does actually reflect Christ 's teaching on forgiveness .
26 The main aspect of the gens which interested Engels 's and Marx was it communal character , the ways it was internally undifferentiated and the way it held property as well as people and children in common .
27 The programme will have succeeded if , in 15 years ' time , primary health care in the capital has lost its status as the national laggard ; the quality of the services it offers matches or exceeds that enjoyed in the rest of England ; and London has become a place where aspiring primary health care practitioners in all disciplines aim to work .
28 ‘ That 's why I prefer to work in black and white ; the eye sees in colour , so with mono film it takes craft and ability to construct a picture to which people can relate .
29 In another context it becomes syncopation and swing .
30 Packed into numbered wooden crates , simply stencilled THE QUEEN 'S DOLLS ' HOUSE it left dirt and chaos in its wake , ‘ … oh , the mess … it 's awful , I must put it clean , ’ wrote its creator to his wife , as he surveyed the wreckage of his Adam drawing room , ‘ but it will take a long time ! ’
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