Example sentences of "[noun] to [pos pn] [noun] [that] " in BNC.

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1 and they recognized too the enormous boost to his prestige that had come with victory .
2 A damned dangerous architectural feature if you ask me , which added weight to my theory that the pub must have been designed by a feminist with a grudge .
3 The Dungarvan Leader once commended a candidate " with a record of achievement " in these revealing terms : " He has consistently fought in the Waterford County Council ( of which body he has been a member for many years ) for amenities for the town , and it was thanks to his representations that the long-suffering residents of the old road had a footpath provided in front of their homes to prevent flooding .
4 You 've been with us nearly a year now , and it 's thanks to your work that we 're well on the way to managing the volatility problem at high temperatures . ’
5 I rather hoped I would n't have to face you with this but thanks to your belief that I 'm somehow responsible for Eddie 's death you force my hand .
6 Sarazen was so sure that Daniels had been the key to his win that he asked for the old boy to be with him when he was presented with the claret jug , saying it was a ‘ team victory ’ .
7 There is a hard , gritty side to his character that was absolutely essential for his band to attain any degree of success .
8 But you may have to think hard and long and reject many ideas that seemed promising before arriving at an ending to your book that is at once what everyone all along expected and what no one , or hardly anyone , thought would happen in that way .
9 Sir , It is a sad reflection on the high street banks ' attitude to their customers that I had to rely on FARMERS WEEKLY for financial information vital to the overall profitability of my farming business .
10 The most famous example is the Rainbow Lobby , which reminds donors in unreadably small footnotes to its fliers that it is not affiliated with Jesse Jackson 's Rainbow Coalition .
11 The member of parliament did not give up his efforts to find a place for the young officer , but the close connection between parliamentary politics and placement was made abundantly clear by Scott 's insistence to his correspondent that the young man 's father , a Dundee councillor , would first have to make clear ‘ whether he is to be friendly ’ to the politician .
12 Perhaps it was in deference to her sensibilities that he had slipped on a robe , but it did less to conceal the perfection of his body than to hint tantalisingly at it .
13 Mrs Barrie-Brown left Fresden to the Roman Research Trust , specifying in the codicil to her will that she wanted it to be turned into an educational centre .
14 However , while I believe Moltmann 's case is unanswerable , it makes no difference to my contention that we are given certain responsibilities to ensure that we do something positive .
15 With a joy to his flight that evidently surprised and alarmed them he turned and stooped towards them at speed , not to attack them so much as show them that he was a golden eagle and could fly where he pleased .
16 All you see is a challenge , a danger to your family that must be removed , in whatever way possible . ’
17 The main problem here is that his mother has not managed to gain Darren 's attention to her signal that the reward is available .
18 One , to eliminate any feeling of antipathy er to the introduction of any new incentive scheme , but more so er to give confidence to our members that whatever happened , erm there would be a benefit .
19 So clear is this conclusion to my mind that , notwithstanding anything which has been said in other cases , I would be very slow to concede that the word ‘ appropriates ’ in section 1(1) is in its context ambiguous .
20 for fear that he would start a separatist movement in the south — there was some point to his suggestions that Bao Dai should be better advertised ; that he should have an American adviser and that American technicians should give the Vietnamese government a ‘ new look ’ .
21 In 15 years the couple have added so many features and new plants to their garden that it bears no relation to the bare and treeless area they look over .
22 He was inclined to believe her : her anger was a natural reaction to his accusation that she had been prying into data which was not her concern .
23 It was the reaction to my answers that interested me most .
24 All sensible people must with shame agree that it is a disgrace to our nation that we Germans are trying to suppress a German , to whom foreign countries have done justice by their great admiration and even by public acknowledgments in writing .
25 Especially revealing were the warnings from officials to their masters that as far " as possible mention of the British should be avoided " .
26 She sat at the front during seminars and posed questions to our tutor that were more like statements .
27 BELVILLE : I have often observed in married folks that the lady soon grows careless in her dress , which to me shows a slight to her husband that she had not to her lover .
28 Because of his death , aged just forty-two , he is also thought of as a tragic figure , a man who was unable to fulfil the important public service to his people that seemed to be his destiny .
29 It is a remarkable tribute to their builders that they have survived for fifty years in regular service , albeit in rebuilt form .
30 It is a tribute to their strength that after all they have been through they are both still together today .
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