Example sentences of "[noun] to [pos pn] [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Those who during the week at Lake Nona took the opportunity to ask questions about the running of America 's LPGA circuit , are convinced that it is to the players ' advantage that they leave the running of the association to its staff while they themselves concentrate on their golf .
2 ‘ What sort of a day have you had ? ’ she asked him lightly , and spent the first course and half of the second in hearing how he did n't think he was giving so much concentration to his job as he should just lately .
3 In 1979 , the DUP received a major boost to its fortunes when it gained two more Westminster MPs .
4 So when my parent is handing out the parental investment , I will be selected to want the parent to give the investment to my sibling if the benefit is twice as great as it would be to myself .
5 Now , their main hopes rest on the striker Dariusz Dziekanowski , a deep disappointment to his countrymen when Poland lost to Gary Lineker 's hat-trick in Monterey in 1986 but lately revived by a transfer to Celtic , for whom he vainly scored four goals in that extraordinary roller-coaster of a European tie against Partizan Belgrade at Parkhead 13 days ago .
6 When he was a young man , before he went to America , the law 's cloud billowed over everything , fomenting quarrels to her advantage until anything the litigants had to spare , peasants and rich men alike , was swallowed up .
7 In so doing , they imagine themselves set in diametrical opposition to their society where in fact they have unwittingly accepted its crucial structural elements . ’
8 Right meditation : the true meaning of meditation is a training of the mind to its limits until we have reached a point where we are fully aware of our true nature and free from our desires , fears and intolerance .
9 His decision to do so , however , appears to have been motivated more by his belief that he had been personally insulted by the Spanish during the earlier marriage negotiations and by a romantic desire to restore his sister and brother-in-law to their inheritance than by any wish to display solidarity with the Protestant cause , which was crumbling away before the seemingly irresistible progress of the Hapsburg armies .
10 Let me tell you of the images that spring to my mind when we talk about water .
11 The charming compliment implied by the phrase ‘ funny man ’ was enough to give an extra spring to my wrist as I dunked my toast soldier into my Sunday morning boiled egg .
12 When you consider the disruption to your lives if any one of your immediate family was disabled , I am sure you will agree it makes sense to cover all of you .
13 The responsibilities of the patient , such as to attend sessions , to be frank about progress , and to work actively at his problems ; and of the therapist , including to keep arrangements made , to listen , to ensure confidentiality , and to help the patient find solutions to his difficulties where possible .
14 It is hoped that more attention will be paid in the future to their potential as counsellors in this new , demanding but fascinating field , and adequate resources provided for their training and practice .
15 Now that he was away from his father , he could give full rein to his imagination as to what Gareth Davis was doing at Thorsbury .
16 Staff hope offenders who take the sport seriously may adapt the discipline of weights to their lives when they finish their sentences
17 A spark can just as easily set light to your clothes as it can to a dryer full of washing .
18 Although clearly designed to the specifications laid down by Ceauşescu so that it would be a suitable monument to his glory as well as a home and office for the remainder of his working life , the colossal building was always officially described as the Civic Centre .
19 She almost danced away , out of the door and into the sunlight , blithely leaving her horse to her brother whether he had intended seeing to it or not .
20 Big , slow-paying debts and big bad debts can do a lot more harm to your business than a whole ledger of little ones .
21 The incident did no harm to his career for he went on to become a peer and Lord President of the Council in the Marches .
22 The posts stuck into the rock to your right as you ascend are markers for winter to stop people going off the edge ; they also double as abseil posts for a quick escape route .
23 The large crowd bore witness to its popularity although the course record of 68 set by Des Ballintine in 1984 was broken on the tough Prehen course .
24 ‘ Catherine ! ’ said Mr Edgar to his wife as he entered .
25 There were n't any wolf-whistles but the sudden silence that greeted her appearance in the archway brought a rueful tilt to her lips as she gently raised her eyebrows until her eyes met the disconcerted ones of the team manager .
26 Evans Halshaw , which runs Britain 's largest chain of Ford dealerships in addition to selling a broad range of other marques , yesterday added another marque to its portfolio when Toyota granted the group a franchise at Stavordale Garages in the Wirral , Cheshire , after Evans bought the operation for £355,000 in cash .
27 But the serrated gratings must have sufficiently broken the crust of the brick-broken mutilated plastimetal that covers a great deal of the world that is an eyeball , and little light yellow-green stubs poked through , cos the Sun was still up there , way up there , even though someone had devised a new kind of force of matter transference and was attempting to move the Sun to his laboratory-country where it would be used to grow humlants — in which the old human brain was to be stretched in durable fibrosity and connected inextricably to root and flower , making rings of energy that took their partners for a whaltz or a flexitrot and multiplied their species by being fried on a plasetal plate whose temperature was so great that they never actually touched it but skimmed over , coming off the other side as a more-than-when-they-started .
28 The first inch yields a higher marginal benefit to your neighbour than the amount that you require in compensation to offset the marginal cost to you of that first inch .
29 After all , the supplier 's products are only of benefit to his customer because the " end user " perceives them to be acceptable .
30 Historians who bring as much enjoyment and illumination to their readers as Trevor-Roper can still conjure up in his essays deserve the historical profession 's thanks as well as its envy .
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