Example sentences of "[noun] to [noun prp] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The other was a great plan for improved relations : sometimes going no further than better intelligence on a crucial country , sometimes an all-embracing scheme for encouraging moderate successors to Khomeini and saving the country from the Soviet camp .
2 Transfer this license together with the original and all the back-up copies of the Program , provided that the transferee completes and returns a REGISTRATION CARD to LD and agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement .
3 Instead , please will you give the enclosed card to Susan and give them all our love ?
4 In order to reach Norway the two men took the jeep to Ostend and drove through Belgium .
5 The delegations supported sending an international peacekeeping force to Yugoslavia and said that military action in solving internal political disputes was inadmissible .
6 She certainly would n't say boo to Rodney but get her out from under his shadow and she 's got plenty of … character . ’
7 When Clare 's first book was published in 1820 , he enjoyed a brief fame , including trips to London and contact with other writers .
8 He did not raise his eyes to Melanie but stared at the backs of his hands .
9 And when Parliament eventually turned back the tide of opposition to Eyre and voted financial support to the former Governor , it was poetically appropriate that those who had been most vocal in their support for the Garotter 's Act — such as Mr Adderley and the rampant Colonel North — should be in the thick of it again , shouting their praise for Eyre 's loyalty to the Crown and his firm action that had saved a colony .
10 For instance , UK booksellers selling by mail to Denmark and exceeding an annual Ecu35,000 ( £25,000 ) threshold of business have to have a VAT registration in Denmark and to charge the 25% Danish rate of VAT on all sales to unregistered customers .
11 This is the Roman road from Malton to Whitby and has been cleared of vegetation and exposed to show its structure .
12 WALSINGHAM became a shrine to Our Lady at a difficult time when the Turks overran the Holy Land and stopped pilgrimages to Jerusalem and Nazareth for which the English were already renowned .
13 Sell the 5,000 units to Noxid and reduce their other sales of units that sell for £22 by 556 units ; this would result in a total contribution of or :
14 ‘ If we had gone out over two legs to Leeds and failed to reach the last eight of the European Cup , Rangers would have been branded failures .
15 As the Government are allegedly concerned about the appalling human rights record , why do they sell frigates , aircraft , missiles and armoured cars to Indonesia and provide military training for Indonesian troops ?
16 We were asked to move into position to observe , but not to intercept , a small American ship en route from the States to Ireland and given its course and estimated time when it would pass a certain point .
17 However , contrary to Mr Brown 's instructions , S took the car to Gatwick and left it there while she was on holiday .
18 Should I get a car to NY and get on a plane tonight , or do tonight 's show and cancel the two tomorrow .
19 Other changes include moving the scriptwriters to Spain and banning the odd words of Spanish , French and German which had crept in .
20 ‘ I thought you 'd have taken the regular boat to Sanderstown and spent a night or two there . ’
21 The novel contains traces of an autobiographical plot-line in which a fictionalized young Federman comes by boat to America and meets his uncle in New York .
22 He was refused entry to Kuwait and asked for asylum in France.President Giscard d'Estaing asked the Shah his views and the Shah made one of the worst mistakes in his reign by agreeing the Khomeini should go to France , He assumed that the obstreperous priest would be les of a threat to him in distant , Christian France than in neighbouring , radical , Islamic country .
23 We drove from Castor Hanglands to Maxey and found the haunted path where Clare had walked ‘ very fearful ’ each week as a boy to collect flour from the mill .
24 When he sensed that the politicians were afraid enough of the army to come to terms with him ( as they seemed to be after learning that troops based in Algeria had seized control of the island of Corsica on 24 – 25 May ) , he flashed a red light to Algiers and moved on the political front in Paris .
25 Also known as Malayo-Polynesian , this is spoken over a vast area from Madagascar to Aotearoa(NZ) and includes at least 500 languages .
26 Also known as Malayo-Polynesian , this is spoken over a vast area from Madagascar to Aotearoa(NZ) and includes at least 500 languages .
27 He came here with my grandmother when he was in his early twenties , changed his name from Vassilakas to Vass and found himself a job in the only trade he knew .
28 The two are negotiating to resolve the dispute , but if they fail to reach agreement , Microsoft would have to develop its own technology for linking Windows clients to NetWare or license similar code from a third party .
29 The star , whose latest single Will You Marry Me ? is about her wedding to Estevez and bubbling just outside the Top 40 , spent years fighting a weight problem .
30 ‘ Then went Samson to Gaza and saw there a harlot , and went in unto her . ’
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