Example sentences of "[noun] to [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The arrival and ambivalent status of the coordinator forced many heads to took afresh at structures and decision-making , to delegate more extensively than hitherto , and to establish more regular consultation procedures than the traditional combination of informal encounters and unstructured or semi-structured staff meetings .
2 Thanks to working late in the office , followed by the celebrations on her becoming a director of her firm , she had somehow omitted to have anything to eat .
3 Some wives saw the farm as an alternative to going out to work .
4 For many day care attenders , the service provides an alternative to going out to work .
5 In the mother church gaps may be left in all departments from Sunday Schools to sweeping up to speaking in tongues and interpreting .
6 Aunt Janice seemed to prefer staying here with Gavin to travelling out to Crow Road most nights .
7 They failed to obtain any long-term understanding on future regional coal price differentials from the National Coal Board , but their discussions did seem to indicate that there would be advantages to shifting away from the high-cost coalfields of Kent , South Wales and Scotland , and towards the cheaper coal of the East Midlands and Yorkshire .
8 For both elections which hope hopefully covers the Euros and the er locals starting at the beginning er towards the end of the local election campaign to running through to the June .
9 Laura certainly brought a missionary zeal to her work ; it was yet another stepping stone which enabled her to cross the gulf from working at home to working outside without associated guilt .
10 There are all sorts of health and safety implications to messing about with erm erm
11 There was public and media speculation that the real purpose of the ANC 's letter was to rally its supporters in the townships , and to fend off criticism that it attached more importance to pressing on with constitutional negotiations with the government than to defending its own people .
12 This was vitally important to the Burmese who attached the utmost importance to keeping up with India in constitutional advances .
13 It concluded that the main obstacle to dealing efficiently with terrorist crime in the regular courts of justice was intimidation of would-be prosecution witnesses .
14 As well as being an aid then , being cool is also seen as an obstacle to digging deep into the ultimate reserves under stringent conditions to produce a better performance .
15 League clubs yesterday gave their general approval to reverting back to a two-division competition .
16 ‘ They have suffered a reaction to going out of Europe , just like we did last season , but they will bounce back . ’
17 ‘ I am disappointed for the complainants in this case , among them disturbed people who had the courage to came forward to the police ’ , he said .
18 I had intended this month 's design to be called ‘ Poppies ’ but decided this might restrict knitters to thinking only of red as a possible choice of colour for their full blooms .
19 That was why , apart from a mild hope that this time his wretched daughter would get herself killed , he did not devote his considerable powers to learning more about the three travellers galloping desperately out of his realm .
20 Another vivid example of this kind of reasoning was offered in a book on The Troublesome Boy ( 1936 ) by Dr H. S. Bryan , a medical officer in the child guidance service and an Assistant County Commissioner in the Boy Scouts , where he brought a little psychoanalytical inspiration to Scouting together with the romanticism of the movement 's founder .
21 Hence part of the challenge is to find ways to getting through to the uninitiated so that a much larger proportion of adults have some insight into what mathematics is about .
22 The fear must be that Clinton might unpick some of the deals , such as the one on agriculture , but this was thought to be unlikely , given his commitment to moving out of recession .
23 I should like to thank all our workforce , the majority of whom are of course remaining with the company , for their impressive commitment to getting on with the job in hand , despite the company 's problems .
24 I approved of Paddy Ashdown 's commitment to spending more on education — but then no amount of money will make education good if the unions and the race relations industry are running the show .
25 As you can see , it is important to accustom your dog to lying quietly on his back and being brushed before you attempt to get close with the scissors .
26 The less well-to-do may encourage early marriage and give priority to settling down to stable family life .
27 Here 's a quickie guide to getting straight into a game …
28 Here is Good Taste 's guide to planning ahead for your festive feast .
29 She had just emerged to frown at the Manport , wearing a plain dark coverall that made no concession to dressing up for important company .
30 of the more progressive ones , you know they 've er addressed the problem of rubbish and recycling wo erm one spokesperson for somewhere like Milton Keynes , I think it was said there 's you know , there 's no money to made out of ri , recycling
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