Example sentences of "[noun] to [noun] ['s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He first used it to wipe some of the filth from the priest , then lifted the sponge to Rafferty 's mouth , forcing it in .
2 Frontispiece to Galileo 's Dialogo i due massimi sistemi del mundo ( 1632 ) .
3 In 1815 he returned to Karlovci to collect material for a second song book , which later inspired a glowing review from Jakob Grimm , in which he compared the Serbian love songs to Solomon 's Song of Songs and wrote that the ‘ Serbs are by virtue of their language … the most blessed with poems , songs and stories , and it looks as if the good God had , by this rich gift of popular poetry , wished to make up to them for their lack of books . ’
4 British Rail released details of the damage to Saturday 's 8.49pm Southport to Hunt 's Cross train only last night .
5 Delighted civic leaders said at a champagne celebration in the city that the decision was a vital boost to Manchester 's challenge to stage the Olympic Games in the year 2000 .
6 In the wake of the Rallye 's poor showing on the world rally circuit , the Limited 's success will be something of a boost to VW 's Motorsport division .
7 * WordPerfect has provided an important boost to IBM 's alternative to Windows and DOS .
8 Many are likely to cross the Atlantic to visit Clinton 's old Oxford haunts offering a boost to Britain 's tourism industry .
9 The advent of microelectronics has given a tremendous boost to Man 's capacity to acquire , process , store and disseminate textual , numeric and other forms of information .
10 Although these unequivocal signs of changing western attitudes were tempered by continuing British and French opposition to the re-establishment of full diplomatic and political relations , they were sufficient to give an enormous boost to Franco 's confidence in himself and the rightness of his own actions .
11 A further boost to Ted 's detective work came when the broadcaster Raymond Baxter put out an appeal for instruments during his commentary at the Farnborough Air Show in September 1972 .
12 Another vital boost to Dawn 's confidence and motivation was her introduction to the British ‘ Les Autres Sports ’ , an organization which encouraged sports competitions for people with disabilities .
13 It is a testament to Butler 's skill that he served as Private Secretary to both Edward Heath and Harold Wilson and , even more impressively , stayed the course as Principal Private Secretary under Mrs Thatcher .
14 It relied both on the circumstances of the shooting and on a confession alleged to have been made by telephone by the defendant to Paulette 's husband , Jimmy Zaidie ( ‘ Zaidie ’ ) immediately after the shooting , and also on threats previously made by the defendant to kill Paulette , as alleged by the prosecution and as testified to in evidence by Zaidie and by Daphne Matadial ( ‘ Matadial ’ ) , Paulette 's sister .
15 Consequently , it was possible for them ( but not for Christians , because they rejected pantheism ) to speak of a world-soul that could measure time , and this was , in fact , the answer given by Plotinus to Aristotle 's question .
16 Theologically-minded critics have pointed out the Christian precedents to Wordsworth 's view of Nature .
17 There have been a couple of recent precedents to Elliott 's action .
18 Some Soviet writers have overstressed the importance of free peasant settlers in the early years , regarding their spontaneous settlement among the native inhabitants as evidence of a happy intermingling of the peoples of the Russian Empire , a sort of prelude to Lenin 's nationality policy .
19 Grégoire raised his dark eyes to Edouard 's face .
20 He raised his eyes to Louise 's face .
21 But they wiped away the national disgrace of Wednesday 's defeat to America 's soccer novices by outfighting one of the favourites to win next year 's World Cup here in the States .
22 ‘ Every day , I 'd cycle from Clapton to King 's Cross , take the train to Pinewood , then the bus to the studio to be directed by David Lean in scenes with Alec Guinness .
23 It 's not hard to understand the moneymen 's indifference to Dickerson 's proposal .
24 However , ’ he went on before she could repeat her indifference to Peter 's wealth , ‘ I have it in my power to ensure that the trustees make Peter a rather generous annual allowance .
25 It was another neighbour , Dandelion , who had now brought the talk back to the Threarah and his indifference to Fiver 's fear .
26 In context this is just a reply to Pippin 's remark that the song ‘ does not sound altogether encouraging ’ .
27 HANSIE CRONJE ( 75no ) and Andrew Hudson ( 52 ) helped South Africa reach 163-3 in reply to India 's total of 212 on the second day of the third Test in Port Elizabeth .
28 The speaker of the lower house , Mikolaj Kozakiewicz , in an immediate reply to Walesa 's letter , refused the presidential demand to have the bill redrafted .
29 Cambridgeshire are 134 for 6 after 55 in reply to Northants ' total of 234 for 4 .
30 If the Timex worker wants to regard that as a right of reply to Neil 's speech , so be it .
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