Example sentences of "[noun] in [noun sg] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 All the pop songs in vogue at the time were sung communally — songs such as those from the award-winning film , Hong Gaoliang ( Red Sorghum ) and the virtual national anthem of youth during 1988 , ‘ Yi Wu Suo You ’ , ‘ The One Who Has Nothing ’ .
2 The Far Eastern Economic Review of Oct. 22 reported that the US Congress had approved a foreign aid bill which , among other provisions , froze some US$2,300,000 in defence training aid to Indonesia in protest at the Indonesian army 's massacre of unarmed civilians in East Timor in November 1991 [ see p. 38579 ] .
3 The new president in office at the EC Social Affairs Council , Tristan Garel-Jones , told the European Parliament in July that he was ready to place a great deal of importance on social problems and to work for the improvement of social conditions for all European citizens .
4 The Atlantic has waged an unceasing war against this gaunt headland ever since the beginning of time , hurling its waves in fury at the unyielding rocks without respite ; there is always the noise of thrashing waters .
5 To her dismay , hot tears burned her eyes in frustration at the physical weakness that kept her kneeling in such a submissive attitude at his feet for several more seconds .
6 In addition Devi Lal , the former Deputy Prime Minister [ see p. 37653 for his dismissal in August ] , used the opportunity to launch a series of attacks on Singh and on Sept. 30 he resigned his Lok Sabha ( lower house of parliament ) seat in protest at the " style , timing and manner " of the implementation of the Mandal Commission recommendations .
7 Muldoon , who had won 59 per cent of the vote in Tamaki in the 1990 general election [ for which see pp. 37781-82 ] , had resigned his seat in protest at the economic , health and social welfare policies of Prime Minister Jim Bolger [ see p. 38676 ] , and had appealed to voters to send a message to the government to change its ways .
8 And when you consider that it measures only 17mm in depth at the first fret , it 's the closest yet to an invisible neck , from a purely tactile point of view .
9 Meanwhile , Jegsy , who appears with comic John Hegley at the Everyman next Thursday has been up to his neck in work at the seaside .
10 Riot police broke up a demonstration in protest at the government 's response but most teachers returned to work when the schools reopened on March 5 .
11 LIVERPOOL shook their heads in disbelief at the cruel circumstances of the heaviest defeat Graeme Souness has suffered as a manager .
12 ‘ She 's a shy little girl who needs friends to bring her out of herself ! ’ their elders had protested , shaking their heads in exasperation at the thoughtlessness of the younger generation .
13 Most people I meet wag their heads in agreement at the proposition that Libya is a cornerstone in Bush 's re-election bid .
14 Scientists at the National Institute for Research in Dairying at the University of Reading have found that only part of the nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium in slurry is in a form that plants can immediately take up .
15 In empirical work , the unit of analysis is typically taken as the nuclear family or household , and the distribution based on all such units in existence at a particular date .
16 BBC TV issued an apology to Saracens lock Mark Langley after wrongly linking him with an incident that put Gloucester 's Marcus Hannaford in hospital at the weekend .
17 Business strength is a measure of the proficiency with which the firm deals with all aspects of the specific product/market complex in question at the present time .
18 Oedipus will allow lexicographers to keep more than one entry in memory at the same time on the occasions when this is necessary .
19 any of their rights to participate in a surplus in a winding up are limited to a specific amount which is not calculated by reference to the company 's assets or profits and such limitation had a commercial effect in practice at the time the shares were issued or , if later , at the time the limitation was introduced .
20 He says : ‘ While the number of homes in possession at the end of 1991 was the highest ever at 160 , the previous highest figure was 116 in June 1988 , when the mortgage rate of 9.75pc was the lowest for the past 13 years .
21 Venice 's parish priests were called together on 2 April by Don Aldo Marangoni , head of the city 's Ufficio Chiese ( Churches ' Department ) to discuss their action in protest at the city administration 's failure to provide adequate financial support .
22 Several SPCK authors have withdrawn from the Society 's lists in protest at the book 's cancellation .
23 There is money to be made from ivory worth an average family 's income for years at the risk of six months in gaol at no expense to you .
24 Newco might even be incorporated and resident in a tax haven jurisdiction so that a disposal of its holding in Target at a gain would not trigger any capital gains tax liability so long as there was a capital distribution of the proceeds of disposal within two years under s13 TCGA 1992 , or an avoidance mechanism could be found to prevent s13 from applying ( see the short article entitled " The Off-Shore Envelope Trick " by Kevin Prosser in Vol 3 1992/93 Issue 2 of the Off-shore Tax Planning Review ) .
25 The rise in unemployment and the fall in output at the start of the decade could be seen as the low point of a cycle which started with the 1930s ' innovations in chemical industries and light engineering and generated the new consumer durable industries that fuelled the long post-Second-World-War boom .
26 On March 5 the Council of ( Foreign ) Ministers of the European Communities ( EC ) and the European Parliament voted to release food aid and credit for the Soviet Union which had been frozen in January in protest at the Soviet military crackdown in the Baltic republics [ see pp. 37944-45 ] .
27 Already thousands of GPs have pledged their opposition to the White Paper — GPs all over the country have been meeting and issuing threats of mass resignations in protest at the plans .
28 If a case is transferred , any directions in force at the time of transfer will continue to apply unless and until varied by the receiving court ( FPCR , r14(11) ; FPR , r4.14(9) ) .
29 As we have seen , there were already deep religious tensions in society at the time of the Restoration , between separatists who wanted toleration , Presbyterians and moderate Anglicans who wanted a comprehensive Church settlement but no toleration , and hard-line Anglicans who wanted the re-establishment of the Church on their own lines with no concessions to either Presbyterians or separatists .
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