Example sentences of "[noun] in [conj] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Trading standards officers monitor the movement of animals in and out of the country .
2 Mr Heath in 1970 was also a radical leader and many of his policies were enacted in the face of bitter opposition in and out of Parliament .
3 Devices such as internal pricing made it relatively easy for international companies to disguise the transmission of funds in or out of the country , quite apart from the purely technical problem of valuing overseas assets .
4 Barns were supposed to have hay in them — they did in the movies — where the hero could hide while the baddies , with a total disregard for blood poisoning or spread HIV , jabbed a pitchfork in and out like a demented barman trying to get the last maraschino out of the bottle .
5 ‘ I hope you do n't intend to bring him something every time you see him , ’ she said , returning to the terrace to find the child energetically shunting toy cars in and out of a smartly painted wooden garage .
6 The common use of the prepositions in and out in connection with the mind suggest that it is conceptualised as a container . )
7 One or both of them ( almost always , as stimulus increases , both ) will move so as to slide the penis in and out of the vagina , causing frictional stimulation of the sensitive organs .
8 The phone book has abandoned its proprietary format and is now in industry-standard dBase format , which makes it a doddle to get data in and out of .
9 They are novels in which the main characters debate topical social and economic issues as well as fall in and out of love , marry and have children , pursue careers , make or lose their fortunes , and do all the other things that characters do in more conventional novels .
10 The author is for the purposes of this book broadening the definition to include all the cowboys in and out of the City of London , selling shares , futures , and occasionally other financial instruments .
11 talking about experiences in or out of school , eg a school trip , a family outing , a television programme seen ;
12 Boboli is only one of several historic gardens in or close to Florence which are in a lamentable state of maintenance : these include the Giardino dei Semplici , that of the Villa Medicea at Castello , and Pratolino , which is being restored .
13 Many living species burrow into sand or mud , sometimes to a considerable depth — these species maintain contact with the sea by means of long siphons , tubes that permit the passage in and out of water and bring to the animal both the necessary oxygen and the small organic particles on which it feeds .
14 He could not have endured the clamouring siren bells that marked an alarm and that caused A area to be sealed down , passage in and out of the Citadel suspended until the malfunction was located .
15 Your roadie should organize transport to gigs , getting your equipment in and out of venues and also attend to any on-stage problems which may come up when you are playing .
16 These include security , staging , promotion , marketing , radio adverts , catering on the night for the artist , carrying the equipment in and out of the hall , the PRS percentage , the hall hire , as well as the printing and distribution of posters .
17 The US Military Commandant in the American sector notified his Russian counterpart that the US Air Force intended building a new radar station at Rudow to control flight movements in and out of the American airfield at Buckow .
18 Coleman 's first job for NARCOG would be to get it operational as a listening post to monitor Lebanese radio traffic and to keep track of shipping movements in and out of Lebanese ports .
19 With an enlarged marina , the Regional Council would continue to monitor boat movements in and out of Port Edgar and endeavour to educate boat owners in the safe use of their yachts .
20 Further to John Wildig 's interesting article in Journal No. 8 ‘ Railway Happenings in Mid-Wales ’ I would like to say that further semaphore signals can still be seen at Machynlleth , where they control movements in and out of the DMU stabling and Permanent Way depot along with the run-round loops , and also at Llanbrynmair where they control low flying jets and high flying gricers !
21 Like the night four years ago when the mainframe computer controlling all ship movements in and out of Hong Kong , the world 's busiest harbour , crashed .
22 That the governing body might record the names of those whose work in or out of school is particularly noteworthy .
23 ‘ It 's just a matter of agreeing compensation with them , ’ said Jannie , leading Tessa in and out of rooms impregnated with such poverty and squalor as she had never dreamt existed .
24 Both men were in their mid-thirties , and both had spent most of their lives in and out of institutions .
25 Try the effect of zooming the lens , first to wide angle and then to telephoto , adjusting the focus in and out on each of these two extreme settings .
26 Doing his best to stay awake , he chatted to Mills until satisfied that the other was convinced of his academic credentials and then , to get rid of him before Syrian George arrived to transcribe the night 's tapes and give the game away , sent him over to see Hurley , who wanted to know if Mills , in the course of his travels in and out of Lebanon for Newsweek , would like to shoot a few pictures for the DEA .
27 Work with Royal Logistics Corps plays a crucial role in getting supplies and troops in and out of the war zone .
28 Ordeals had taken place in or close to churches — the chronicler , Eadmer , writes in the early twelfth century of ordeals being conducted in the baptistery at the east end of Canterbury cathedral where former archbishops were buried — and so confused the ecclesiastical and the secular law , the law of the Church and the law of the State .
29 Reflection can take place in or out of role ; during a lesson ( as and when important moments arise ) ; at the end of the lesson ; in the classroom ; immediately before the lesson .
30 Photographs can be put to witnesses during the course of examination in and out of Court and can be of the utmost importance in cases where vague descriptions of a locus , machinery , etc. would be detrimental to advancing a strong defence in Court .
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