Example sentences of "[noun] in [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But there is another light in which to view the beast : that of it being the evil within the girls .
2 They list the specific clauses for which the exemption is granted , and so-called ‘ black ’ clauses which if present in an agreement result in its losing the benefit of the exemption , and clauses which are not generally restrictive of competition and whose presence will not affect the exemption .
3 The techniques just described are no more than guidelines in what remains the creative art of studying and describing what an experienced worker is doing or will be required to do .
4 Between September 1986 and April 1988 work took place to restore Llanthony Warehouse in which to house the National Waterways Museum and offices for British Waterways .
5 There was an Irish League poster announcing a talk by Mr Richmond MP in Newry , illustrations of assassinations of crowned heads in what seemed every capital of Europe , and most unexpectedly on the mantel above the tiny coal fireplace , a framed photograph of Noreen .
6 I was able to buy a small car in which to make the fifteen-minute drive to the campus each day .
7 and is that , I always feel threatened or paranoid I just want to make a point on on paragraph seven the rule in which to review the is that my understanding that review will be about the role and of the rule in which the .
8 Once combined with the relevant ACORN types , the distributor may be in a position : * to set sales targets for regional and local sales management ; * to identify towns in which to establish local retail branches or service depots ; * to identify appropriate regional and local media for targeting promotional messages ; * to select the postal sectors in which to aim a leaflet drop using the U.K. Post Office Household Delivery Service .
9 thank you so within either a year or maybe something approaching two years of the existence of the brochures with those words in you raise the concern , that it might be misleading if left in
10 In particular he thought that the fundamental principles of Aristotle 's philosophy could provide a setting in which to express the revealed truths of Christian faith .
11 The editor added that a girl had remarked to him that ‘ she thought that many of the supposed erotic pictures in It degraded the female ’ .
12 Many Arabs who lost their homes in what became the state of Israel and settled on the West Bank in 1948 became refugees for a second time during the Six Day War in 1967 .
13 Birthdays , children 's parties , weddings , Hallowe'en and Valentine 's Day are just some events that could see you searching for an unusual tin in which to bake a cake that will leave your guests or children marvelling at your skills .
14 Whatever the disadvantages of the old system , at least I had a term in which to prepare the students for their teaching practice ; now I have six weeks .
15 As far as I knew he 'd always been on the level , and certainly there was no harm in his treating the Fraser girl after the shock she 'd presumably had .
16 Anyway she 's gone round all the schools in you know the area .
17 Regulation of portfolio investment would appear to have been much more effective in the light of the surge in it following the removal of restrictions in 1979 .
18 The " enterprise pact " would allow workers and managers in Poland 's state enterprises three months in which to choose a privatization scheme for their enterprise , from among five models .
19 Where the Commission opens proceedings , it then has a further four months in which to issue a final decision .
20 Although the Inland Revenue has up to three months in which to confirm the validity of the election ( s 248(2) ) , in practice it is usually prepared to give confirmation within a much shorter period .
21 I think , the only thing I could add is that you 've got twelve months in which to restart the payments .
22 Touche Ross have three months in which to find a new buyer before reporting to Quietwaters creditors .
23 The secured creditor has the right to call upon the trustee to elect whether or not to exercise his power to redeem , and the trustee then has six months in which to exercise the power or decide not to exercise it ( r6.117(4) ) .
24 THE European Community has 12 months in which to achieve a breakthrough to full economic and monetary union or the whole project may have to be put on ice until the end of the next decade .
25 The existence of a ban on the legality of the Movement makes the position even more difficult in that it is practically impossible to even get a hall in some areas in which to hold a meeting .
26 These words might have had Philip Grey of Warwick University Bookshop strung up for high treason a decade or so ago , but such are the realities of recession that far from stringing him up , CUBs gave him a whole session in which to address the question of Who Needs Books ?
27 That ability has led us into the more specialized areas and it has demonstrated that success was not just getting through the traumas of the 70s and taking costs out of the business , but in finding different directions in which to take the business . ’
28 And will the sartorially-conscious supporter have to pay for a new wardrobe in which to battle the carabinieri ?
29 At that moment , a car drove up and a gunman in it sprayed the boys with a machine-gun .
30 I 'm not saying I 'm going to have one of these Grand Slam win breakthroughs , but I think I still have enough tennis in me to have a few more great moments .
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