Example sentences of "[noun] in [pron] is call " in BNC.

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1 These same forces will also further distance the underclass from the vast majority of the population , many of whom now have a stake in what is called ‘ people 's capitalism ’ .
2 From the Friarfold Vein complicated branch veins run off in all directions in what is called a ribbon deposit .
3 Hypnosis takes place in what is called the Alpha state ( the subconscious mind ) .
4 The only way around these is the following peculiar prescription : One must add up the waves for particle histories that are not in the " real " time that you and I experience but take place in what is called imaginary time .
5 We are fascinated by the wary our ‘ smart weapons ’ are mobilised to ‘ knock out ’ and ‘ take apart ’ , to ‘ neutralise ’ and ‘ cleanse ’ , enemy targets in what is called the ‘ theatre ’ of Iraq and Kuwait .
6 They had a very good sense of humour and could tell long sophisticated stories in what is called the spaccato , the real dialect of Parma .
7 One of these is that it is easier to do the sum if one deals with histories in what is called imaginary time rather than in ordinary , real time .
8 In most mainframe mapping packages it is possible to produce the map in what is called device-independent form , so that it can be output to any suitable peripheral such as a plotter , a graphics display terminal or a film writer .
9 ’ On walking home it is doubtful that the companions gave a second glance at Came house , described ten years later by Sir Frederick Treves in Highways and Byways of Dorset as ‘ an unattractive mansion in what is called the' ‘ classic' ’ taste' .
10 Slighting references to immigrants and Bongo-Bongoland , a penchant for the cult of leadership , and an interest in what is called ‘ Aryanism ’ have inevitably raised eyebrows .
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