Example sentences of "[noun] in [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although Joe Nichols in the New York Times wrote that ‘ Lester Piggott rode with the competence that has stamped him as one of the world 's great riders , and brought his mount home in time ’ , the Washington Post thought that ‘ there could be fault-finding with Piggott 's tactics in tucking in on the rail and not asking his mount for more of the effort he had in reserve ’ .
2 ‘ the whole object of the section is to assimilate the practice in winding up to the practice in bankruptcy , which was established in order to enable assignees , who are now called trustees , in bankruptcy to find out facts before they brought an action , so as to avoid incurring the expense of some hundreds of pounds in bringing an unsuccessful action , when they might , by examining a witness or two , have discovered at a trifling expense that an action could not succeed .
3 At that time she had something like 50 years of practice in beating up on students . ’
4 Is there a point of no-return for Hungary in slipping out from Soviet influence ?
5 People take malicious pleasure in cutting in on them and burning them off at traffic lights .
6 Will the Prime Minister confirm that because of his action in opting out of the social charter , Great Britain will be the only country in Europe that will deny its people the legal right to paid holidays ?
7 If we had more courage at Goodison in facing up to the truth unpalatable though it may be things might begin to improve .
8 Charles Hancy relates his experiences in travelling about on the hay business :
9 I can never really be sure as to whether Binnian or Slievelamagan is my favourite top , but take endless delight in going back to them time and time again in the hope of solving this important question .
10 I will therefore be looking at the range of measures on offer to ensure that as we come out of the recession they offer unemployed people practical and effective help in getting back to work . ’
11 My own view is that he did not understand , nor admit to himself , the extent of his own error in starting off on his own without experienced and able people around him .
12 Britain was also able to unveil last night a breakthrough in cutting back on Euro red tape .
13 I naturally felt very good about it and proud of myself for the discipline I had shown during the winter in getting down to the work necessary to achieve the successes I had obtained .
14 HAVING done all the hard work in bowling out for 158 a Bellville XI bolstered by four Western Province players , Scotland failed to score quickly enough in going down to a second defeat , by 13 runs , on their South African tour yesterday .
15 There was the time , for instance , when they had a love scene in Carry On Up The Khyber in 1968 .
16 The following year Graham Greene , having struggled to write a script from Galsworthy 's Twenty-One Days — about a murderer who killed himself and an innocent man who was hanged for the suicide 's crime — within BBFC rules that forbade the representation of either suicide or a failure of British justice , joined with J. B. Priestley , Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells in speaking out against the censorship system .
17 There may be more security in hanging on to the old and acquiring something new as well .
18 ‘ There would be no point in setting out for a star if you did n't know how far away it was . ’
19 But there was no point in mooning around until then .
20 She accepts that she then was confused , she did n't know what to do erm she did n't think there was any point in getting out of the car which is what sh she should of done , she should of tried to make some enquiries about the child er , but she er , she looked around shrugged her shoulders and and then carried on her journey because she did n't think there was anything else she could do about it .
21 Since we could barely stand up or speak there was little point in dropping in on Ted and Theresia , although perhaps they would n't have noticed much difference in my case , given as they are to ply me with drink .
22 If there is not enough room to get down straight ahead , obviously a turn has to be made regardless of the height ; there is no point in flying on into wind and losing valuable height and space ahead .
23 There was n't much point in calling in at the shop , so I came straight here . ’
24 I 'll I 'll make a point in looking out for ya .
25 ‘ Nevertheless , we believe that many farmers will decide there is no point in holding on to cattle if prices hold current levels .
26 ‘ In our position , there is no point in sitting back for a draw . ’
27 He resolved that the occurrence could be sorted out in daylight and that there was no point in groping about in the dark .
28 I think the important thing is not to let them go away thinking , you know , oh , why did I bother , there 's obviously no point in carrying on with it .
29 ‘ Still , no point in banging on about it .
30 She 'd already found out much more about Puddephat than she 'd hoped — she 'd even got a promising suspect in the shape of Theo Sykes — and there was no point in banging on about her non-existent book outline .
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