Example sentences of "[noun] and now [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Of the non-QTS qualifications , the best known are those developed by the Royal Society of Arts and now administered by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate .
2 The fisheries developed off Greenland and Iceland , started by colonial investment and now protected from foreign exploitation , are helping to raise standards of living ashore .
3 But my strongest surviving impression is of a large team of teachers , several of them coming specifically to Banbury to undertake this work and now scattered in headships across the country , determined to carry change through — not because it was imposed by politicians or bureaucrats , but because they believed it to be right and wanted it to work well .
4 The largest mill complex in Blockley is the next downstream , originally called Westmacotts Mill and now known as Blockley Court .
5 Capricorn Note , owned by Stuart Ray and now trained at Wimbledon by Arthur Hitch , races in a five-dog heat on Saturday and should qualify for the second round .
6 After three very intensive days under the leadership of Lindsay Mitchell , ex Manager of SCOTVEC 's research project on Competency Testing and now employed by Barbara Shelborn Associates , the NDOs left the Workshop to develop their skills by writing Higher National Units in their own occupational areas .
7 Poor boy , she thought , away from his loving home and now dumped with an irritable old man .
8 A postmodernist option , which we have encountered briefly in Sukenick 's fiction and now seen in Barth 's protagonists composing their story in opposition to political forces devoted to secrecy ( to a silent plot in other words ) , is developed to extraordinarily intricate lengths in the novels of Thomas Pynchon .
9 She 'd win the race overall if Nuclear Electric , back down the field and now surrounded by supporters , was more than 7 hours behind .
10 This courageous book , written in Russia a year after the accident and now published in English , is a thorough and passionate condemnation of the Soviet way of doing things .
11 Some of these men had been posing as caravan holiday makers for some weeks and now settled for a long , cold night on the clifftops .
12 What you advocate is similar to the International Baccalaureat , a successful school-leaving certificate pioneered by the International School in Geneva and now accepted by reputable universities worldwide , including Britain .
13 See well over 50,000 exhibits collected by Jan and Graham Upton during the past 30 years and now shown on three floors of authentic Victorian style Shops .
14 The original Biblia Pauperum is an illuminated manuscript of Old and New Testament scenes produced in the 14th century for the Dutch court and now held in the British Library .
15 There was never a time in Sir Hector Laing 's life when it ever occurred to him to work for any other company than the family business , originally called McVitie $ Price and now known as United Biscuits .
16 Help is at hand in the more constructive approach of the Glover Report on Fertility and the Family , compiled for the European Commission and now published by Fourth Estate .
17 Perhaps the most interesting name , though , is that of the useful hurdler Mr. Gossip , previously trained by Nicky Henderson and now owned by David Wales .
18 Many of our modern reefs may be interglacial reefs , karstified during low glacial sea levels and now veneered with a capping of modern coral .
19 It was , after all , no more than a station , built to serve countless passengers and now used by only one .
20 Another exists at Frilford , with a walled precinct containing at least one temple and now supplemented by the recently-discovered amphitheatre .
21 In 1785 nine ports exceeded 10,000 tons and now accounted for 86.5 per cent .
22 Scales was the most imaginative of his inspectors ; he had started in fingerprints and now specialised in fraud cases .
23 Widespread in the Pacific is Broussonetia papyrifera ( Moraceae ) , originally from Asia and now grown from China and Japan through Malesia to America , where it is naturalized : it is the basis of Polynesian tapa cloth , which is made from its bark .
24 CO ON sock and frilly knicker specialist Sherwood Group ( steady at 760p and now capitalised at £140m ) is looking too big for the unlisted securities market and a move up to the main market may well accompany Tuesday 's year-end profits .
25 He had had to give up fighting blazes and now worked in the fire prevention service — although he may be forced to quit the post .
26 The Derwent 's energy cost savings were £3,000 in the first year and now run at more that £4,000 a year .
27 When the mourners return , all passion spent , recognising the eventuality of death and now resigned to their loss , the child-like figure can be raised on high in the final Amen ( see page 46 ) .
28 To complete our disgruntlement , this month here in Moffat we have witnessed the boarding-up of our familiar old , tastefully-designed bronze posting box recessed under the window of the post office and now replaced by one of those monstrous red pillar-boxes , concreted into the pavement immediately in front .
29 There was a current copy of the local rag lying on the chair beside him : he had read The Times and the Independent and now turned to the more microcosmic news .
30 At least the knights had not been party to the massacre ; they had achieved their task and now looked for suitable reward .
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