Example sentences of "[noun] and out [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Goes in at one of his ears and out at the other .
2 The gang rivalries of the street were kept within bounds and out of the world of adult entertainment .
3 Senna lost his front left wheel in the crash and both cars bounced over the kerbs and out of the race .
4 The first people in each team place the keys down their neck and out through the bottom of their trouser legs or slacks .
5 In this way , the compressions or sound waves pass through the throat and mouth and out through the lips , spreading in all directions .
6 A fast trip through central London whisked them past the main tourist attractions and out to the suburbs to the International Training College where they were to stay .
7 They are on the bonnets of the jeeps , some are clinging precariously onto the sides as both vehicles speed away through the farmyard and out into the road .
8 Now here takes over , under pressure he is from Chris back inside his own half , taking over is Nicky , blasts that one forward towards Graham he 's trying to hook it out to on this right hand side and that one goes well beyond David and out for a throw-in .
9 The Achilles ' tendon which had been bothering him for weeks finally gave out amid a sympathetic cheer and a great forward ambled to the sideline and out of the match with an hour gone .
10 She waited for him to invite her into the car and out for the day .
11 As you might expect , though , it is difficult to stop the loss of energy and plasma along the magnetic lines of force and out of the ends of these machines .
12 The residents of Monte Samana were just beginning to stir , and the smell of strong Spanish coffee wafted from open windows and balconies as she drove along the flower-edged lanes of the complex and out of the main gate towards the village .
13 I would n't change a thing on this guitar ; the nut height and the overall action is fine and , most surprising of all , this is a factory setup , straight off the boat and out of the box .
14 The main street sweeps southward up the hill between the ‘ Black Horse ’ and St Andrews Church on the way to Gumley ; swinging westward it bumps over the bridge crossing the upper pound of the Grand Union Canal , which itself winds away westward and southward to Husbands Bosworth and out of the county .
15 Reserve bullock — Stuart Hunter , West Cairnhill , Culsalmond , with January 1992 Limousin cross by Shatton Pedro and out of an Aberdeen Angus Limousin cross cow .
16 I read oil engineering which was primarily on the production side and out of a course of thirteen , I was the only one who was interested in the chemical side of it — the refining side .
17 Using a skewer , make two holes in the carrot by pushing it in one side and out through the other .
18 He led the way along a series of paths , up assorted flights of steps and out across a seemingly limitless expanse of finely mown rugby and hockey pitches that climbed the hillside in stepped succession .
19 Discovering strength and skills she had n't known she possessed , Polly sailed Seawitch away from the wave-lashed rocky coast and out into the safety of deeper water .
20 Then we shall head due south again on the same road , passing into the Ukraine and out of the hills .
21 Sigarup and Murti Lāl exchanged ikās with their families and , whistling and shouting , they steered the flock through the village and out across the bridge .
22 Nellie and I tiptoed quietly back down the aisle and out of the door .
23 After a long time , the music started to play again and Cousin Jane and Mike walked back down the aisle and out of the church and everyone followed them into the sunny afternoon .
24 It grew until it was a window and out through the window she could see down a long tunnel ; and beyond that the sun shining and the mountains rising over the fruit trees .
25 She walked slowly from the school , across the playground and out of the gates into Latimer Road .
26 I saluted then watched him as he barged along the corridor and out of the front door .
27 I shall have the prefects chase you down the corridor and out of the front-door with hockey-sticks !
28 She picked up her bag and led the way along the hall and out of the front door .
29 He went through the green door in the Customs Hall and out into the main lounge .
30 Then she ran from the cloakroom , down the narrow dark passage and out into the night .
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