Example sentences of "[noun] and for [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 anyway he walked , he was only away about twenty minutes you know he wanted to get the car and for me to drive I thought well er
2 Children do n't have as many inhibitions and for them acting is an innate ability .
3 Mr Cubbage was like a cat on hot bricks , he was most distraught at Coleen 's decision to go to England , and he bombarded her with letters and flowers ; he could not wait for her return and for her to say the one word that would make her his wife .
4 ‘ We do not have too many Woosnams , ’ said Mr Schofield , ‘ but we do have a lot of Fehertys and Montgomeries and for them to have survived one of the greatest tests is testimony to how strong we are becoming . ’
5 The purpose of this meeting would be for you to gain an insight into the qualities of the [ Name ] management and for them to gain an understanding of how you would propose to manage the group .
6 He had borrowed the ledger one night and read how a member of the Longford militia came galloping up on a foam-flecked horse to the doors of Carewscourt , yelling that the French and Irish had scattered Lake 's army to the four winds and that they were coming south and for everyone to flee , flee , flee if they valued their lives … .
7 Once the Iraqis had pulled out , Kuwaiti vigilantes began combing the city for any Iraqi soldiers still hiding in the ruins and for anyone known or thought to have collaborated with the enemy , with Palestinians coming in for particular attention .
8 He has an excellent background in support , not involved in in the running but continuous interest and support and for him to take on this challenge shows a particular kind of commitment to the work of the Save The Children Fund and we 're very grateful to him for taking it on and I sincerely hope that he will enjoy the experience , especially after meeting all of you today .
9 That there should be a presumption of negligence and for them to show that they 've done nothing wrong .
10 So I want to , first of all , in presenting this report to remind you of the importance of that link and for us to encourage its development .
11 The obvious solution was to sell the leases to the operators and for them to decide what investment was required if they were to attract new business .
12 Erm , we would n't want the policy to progress so far erm as to get to the stage of looking for a specific site and for us to pull the rug underneath the County , and for other authorities to pull the rug from underneath the County at that stage , erm to answer to Mr Heselton 's specific question , of course we would n't object to a new settlement er in Selby , but erm it does n't erm it does n't detract from our objection to erm the principle of the policy , the way the policy 's expressed .
13 After each separate exercise allow a minute or so for fuller relaxation to take place and for you to concentrate on the pleasant sensations that relaxation brings .
14 She backed her main topsail and for me hove to .
15 This would enable Hongkong Bank to avoid paying a packet for goodwill and for it to remain a Hongkong bank while Midland remained British .
16 Many patients will be having problems with their partners and for them conjoint treatment will often be appropriate .
17 This goal must , surely , be regarded as the very minimum necessary both for a civilised society and for us to begin to secure social justice for this group .
18 The organisation has campaigned for oil tankers to be equiped with double hulls to minimise dangers of oil spills and for them to avoid such environmentally sensitive areas such as the Shetland isles .
19 In our view he was primarily responsible for the fabrication and for what has taken place since .
20 I find it odd when it is suggested that it would be better for other people to grow the tobacco and for us to import it — as though that would help the health of the Community .
21 It was designed for use with a computer having a spare ROM ( or RAM ) location and for which read/write control is performed by a single line producing a write pulse .
22 It is quite unrealistic to think that you can spend every waking moment working , but it is equally unrealistic to have hobbies and interests which fill every evening and the weekend and for you to expect to pass the course .
23 The only money they put in to the chief executives and their two yearly pay re review performances that they get , for cutting other people 's wages or contracting Health Services and for somebody to have to travel that distance for a , to die , is absolutely appalling and it 's a disgrace .
24 And I think the way forward is perhaps to have a meeting with R and D and for them to come to us and discuss with us the aspects of work that we will not be in a position to do come the revolution .
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