Example sentences of "[noun] and that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Evidence is growing , however , that we have a need to express our grief and that we ignore it at our peril .
2 He remembers Mr Lamont using a gold Access card and that he signed his name simply Norman Lamont .
3 My Lord the started sum of money originally , sixty thousand pounds was the total loan and there were further overdraught facilities and and it 's the plaintiff 's case that without it it was simply not going to be manageable and as a result of that having thought carefully about erm , position it is his case that he rang Peter , told him that there were major problems in the financing of the deal and asked him if he could get him out of the contract because the finance he anticipated was no longer going to be available and it was his case that Peter advised him that there was no way out because contracts had been exchanged , er Mr was told very clearly that he was committed legally now to the deal and that he 'd better try and rearrange some finances since clearly they were moving towards er the completion date .
4 And so it might , provided it was only a passing mention and that it contributed properly to the pattern of the book .
5 Frank claimed that he had not known that Gobie was running a prostitution service from Frank 's apartment on Capitol Hill and that he had dismissed him upon learning of it .
6 Darci Alves confessed to sole responsibility , in what was seen as an attempt to get his father acquitted , but a key prosecution witness , Genesio Ferreira da Silva , 15 , a former employee and relative of the Alves family , stated that he had overheard both of them plotting the murder and that they had celebrated its successful execution with a barbecue .
7 Suppose you think abortion is murder and that it makes no difference whether the pregnancy is the result of rape .
8 Both Brazilians say they are happy away from the pressures of a big club and that they want to stay .
9 There had been Lewis , the guy who was down on cutlery and condiments , and much earlier a bloke called Evans , who maintained that Old Mother Walsh was really a man in drag and that it behoved members of the Church ‘ to wear the clothes of the other kind ’ .
10 The occupier must be told that he can refuse to allow the search and that anything seized may be used in evidence .
11 The team working on the Elton project says it 's had definite results — increasing some children 's concentration and that they join in more than before .
12 He tells me you asked for advice because of tantrums and that you agreed to him asking me to call on you … ’ .
13 Frederick did not care to see that these ambitions could only be satisfied at Poland 's expense and that they threatened Poland 's existence .
14 To prove contrary evidence it was necessary to have either positive proof that the document was returned to the sender or , if sent by recorded delivery , that there was no acknowledgement of receipt , or if there was evidence of the document having been received by some person , there was proof that the person was not the intended recipient and that he had not brought the document to the notice of the person required to be served .
15 With a start , he saw that the girl in black underwear was slumped , dead , across a couch and that she had been strangled with a scarf , which was still knotted around her neck .
16 According to second-hand reports of the conversation Krishchaty said that the body was lying on the ground at about 8,250m and that they had passed it two or three times .
17 It s vital that the school has an agreed policy on equal opportunities and that it carries the wholehearted support of both governors and staff .
18 The Hegelian model of the coexistence of presence which allows the possibility of the ‘ essential section ’ is incompatible with this description , but Althusser continues to assume nevertheless that there is a totality and that it has ‘ the structure of an organic hierarchised whole ’ ( 98 ) .
19 Therefore , make sure that you are in current flying practice and that you choose a straightforward day without a high wind , severe turbulence or a cross-wind component .
20 The point is clear : if the hon. Gentleman feels that he is totally committed to his mandate and that he has not changed his opinion , he should ask the electors of Dunfermline , not me .
21 It is not just the owners who turf out their dogs daily , it is also those who blissfully believe everyone is a dog lover and that we do n't mind the unpleasant and unhealthy filth their pets create in every park , play area , beach and common , nor the way many out-of-control large dogs are allowed to harass the hapless walker who crosses their path .
22 certainly prior to the nineteen ninety two legislation erm in relation to what was er the was er required application but as you see since nineteen ninety two legislation , that petition was changed erm and in terms of the resolutions , we suggest that recognise the people concerned Hertfordshire and that they are taking into account the applications erm that we continue to work basically with H M I pollution aspects and that we respond to the Department of the Environment er expressing our concerns er er erm way in which er consultation has changed and in fact us .
23 All these questions ( and there are others ) imply that media workers are but ciphers and that they transmit the views of others .
24 He woke in a fury two hours afterward , and said that she had upset his rhythm and that he had to make some calls .
25 Mind you , once you get to the know the typewriter and that I mean you know what you 're doing and you 've done your R S A one .
26 As it was a weekend , all the bigger-wig doctors were not on duty but , knowing of Nigel 's condition and that he had only a short time to live , they brought him through .
27 Sources close to the investigation suggest it has been dormant for some months and that it produced no conclusions one way or the other .
28 However , his wife , Eleonora Popa , confirmed on March 2 that he had been receiving " anonymous threats " for over two months and that he had received no support from the Justice Ministry , which had confiscated his suicide letter .
29 I I simply , I simply want er er a direct message from from the programme which is going on Chairman incidentally I I note that Nottinghamshire County Council erm has found a a and the Labour group there has found it necessary to tackle just the same problems erm in elderly persons homes and that I understand that they have a a closure list of seven , now presumably that has been drawn up from a long list of a lot more than seven , say fourteen or fifteen from which they 've made their final choice .
30 They , they asked that it be done on a Friday and a Saturday and that they appeared on Thursday with it , erm , I 'm getting on with it .
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