Example sentences of "[noun] and i [vb base] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I can see your poor little furious red face now , glaring at me and the tears kept running down your cheeks into your ears and I remember wondering if one 's brain could become waterlogged .
2 ‘ I play football and I like watching it .
3 We were told to take food and water on a train going down to Mandalay and I remember taking the Mothers ' Union tea urn !
4 ‘ Some of them have had the same experience , and here she 's in a familiar place doing familiar work and I think feeling closer to Whitey . ’
5 It must be ten years since I went to the optician and I keep promising myself I will go when the opportunity presents itself , because I love to read .
6 I 'm not a social eater and I hate talking and eating at the same time .
7 what I would like and I 'm sure it happens with the previous C P O er and I have been notified by telephone and I keep saying to them let me know , but I would like probably a memo from each C P O to say that there is a meeting on this particular night .
8 I like cooking and I like playing with the children , doing things for them — I do n't like the basic cleaning .
9 I think erm yo e you know you asked about the support and I think having identified that there was a gap in the support in
10 I 'd been meaning to do it for days and I keep asking myself whether it was my fault her killer got in . ’
11 You should be aware of this period and I recommend reading all four plays and also The Theatre of George Devine by Irving Wardle .
12 ‘ My husband and I enjoy going to the theatre , Agatha Christie novels , outdoor walks and picnics , and eating in restaurants .
13 I know all my lines , my lines is , my name 's Robert and I like playing cowboys and indians .
14 But getting into RADA was quite a searching process and I remember doing four one-hour work sessions with some of the tutors there , including the Principal , before finally being accepted for the three-year course there .
15 For instance , I wanted to feed him on the baby food in jars and I keep telling her I do , but I end up feeding him the powdered food like my mum wants .
16 My theory has always been that since Martin and I loathe losing to one another at games , this burns off any other rivalry between us .
17 I killed a few rabbits the other day and I keep getting weird phone calls from Eric , but that 's about all .
18 In actual fact I 've got a friend and I go potholing with him , we meet , he 's a Kendall farmer , he 's a a sheep farmer and er , we meet and he says you know what I 've got a problem with on my land , not foxes dogs and walkers that have n't got them on the leads and crows at lambing time cos they peck their eyes out and things of that calibre , he says yes , I 'll tell you what I 'll bet you I 've had animals taken by foxes he , he says I probably have , he said but I 've not had this kind of unindeighted killing as .
19 Yeah , I worked with a voluntary group for a while and I remember helping one lady go through , she was raped , and go through the courts , and all her past life was brought up , I mean I was so upset for her and yet the fact that he had actually raped twice before was n't brought up , but her past life was brought up and the man actually got off in the end because she just could not cope with being on the stand and dealing with it all and it was just so terrible that , that , that the , the ina ,
20 I enjoy a night out and drink every week and I love going to restaurants and generally enjoying myself .
21 Uncle was quite keen on listening to the nine o'clock news and I remember hearing Mr Churchill .
22 They were just poling away and Matt shouted ‘ Hey , fellers , cut ’ but they did n't take any notice and I remember thinking maybe they 're testing the rope to see if it works , and Matt and I turned at just the same moment and saw where the Indians were heading us — straight into a pile of rocks and foaming water — and I knew the rope must have broken or something .
23 They took the baby and I remember asking if it was okay and did I have a boy or a girl .
24 I have turned my hand to trying a bit of writing and I keep meaning to take it up again .
25 With the next trowel-full I 'm going to find a new species and I keep hoping they 'll name it after me .
26 Abi and I share looking after the children — but from choice and because I enjoy it .
27 and erm there was no final erm sort of er judgment to be had so erm then we had to call meetings of this little Sub Committee who finally made up their minds and I remember typing reports , quite long reports , about erm Rhode Island Reds er crossed with Light Sussex and Light Sussex crossed with er Brown and erm I , I knew precious little about poultry at that time .
28 It was my turn to go to the bank for the wages and I remember going back to the shop saying King George VI had died .
29 It was more than a shock I put my head in my in my hand and I remember kneeling right at this spot and just crying my heart out .
30 I also enclose a copy of a letter raising observations on their replies to my Enquiries and I await hearing from them on these points .
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