Example sentences of "[noun] and it [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 This is a typical result and it seems that , like the tendons , the early development of the muscles is quite autonomous .
2 Within days I had changed my mind and it seemed that the only sensible form of transport would be a Sherman tank .
3 We wake in the night with a churning mind and it seems that nothing will settle the anxiety .
4 It uses some printer Escape sequences which are discussed in the " Printer Escape Sequences " sub-section and it assumes that the Printer Editor has been used to set " Off at CR " to " No " for bold and underline .
5 However , Executive Agencies are in some cases becoming trading funds and it appears that many more will become so in the future ) .
6 The work was heart-breaking because of the shortage of homes and it showed that many old people were living in distress .
7 They have no power to take any action and it appears that their potential to increase the level of accountability and to develop policing by consent is minimal .
8 This was essentially a gentle action and it ensured that as little corn as possible would be shed and lost on the ground .
9 He still looked a bit dubious and David said , ‘ One thing you can tell Len , something I forgot , was that I made enquiries today about his parrot and it appears that if he does go to Conway House he 'll be able to take the parrot with him .
10 In Oe. radiatum infections in cattle , the pathogenic effect is also attributed to the nodules ( up to 5.0 mm in diameter ) in the intestine and it appears that as few as 500 larvae are sufficient to produce clinical signs .
11 Moderate drinkers do not benefit from warning labels and it appears that alcohol abusers pay no attention to them .
12 Maybe erm maybe our culture has particular metaphors , particular ways of understanding ways of human distress and it seems that very often when people have a rather non-specific distress these days , I mean it 's very common to find that erm counsellors , professionals , will be looking in into people 's backgrounds , looking into people 's backgrounds for evidence of child sex abuse .
13 Jersey courts do , however , look at Norman customary law and it appears that the existence of any kind of market overt rule has not been fully explored .
14 Moreover , these major faults tend to be discontinuous and curved in plan and it seems that main boundary listric faults alternate along rift valleys and are separated by transfer faults ( Fig. 4.10 ) .
15 We 've got to consider the situation of some form of flexibility and it presupposes that if you have a policy in which the settlements are drawn and I suppose I I think they will be tightly drawn , development yes is allocated in accordance with the structure plan .
16 I was one of her daisies and it meant that we had all these hats on , which were very unattractive — a rubber hat and on top was the daisy , so when you swam around and the people looked down at you , they just saw these daisies .
17 A court may make a s37 direction whenever a question arises as to the welfare of a child and it seems that a care or supervision order may be appropriate .
18 Guests ' bills are written up daily from the duplicate vouchers which are debited to the visitors ' tabular ledger and it follows that the balances shown on the guests ' bills must correspond with the balances in the visitors ' tabular ledger .
19 I ve just had a quick look at text and it says that Durie has had a shock recall Sheringham and Dozzel are definatly out and that Kerslake is doubtful .
20 They fought for an hour and it seemed that neither would have the mastery .
21 Not that the national cause formed the only basis of the Party 's support and it seems that by 1937 or so something like 600 action committees had been formed to organize the workers in Cochinchina , principally in the Saigon — Cholon area .
22 ‘ There was a review of Bolger in the Times and it said that although the city of culture had n't been a success the Dublin Theatre Festival was , ’ he says .
23 Now that idea was to get everybody together and erm because there have been certain members of the staff which have n't been looked at for a period of time they 've escaped the net as it were in the last couple of times and it seems that we 've had the same guys for the last three years and some have erm
24 A warm welcome awaits anyone who wishes to visit Latvia and it seems that a number of aircraft will now be dusted off and returned to flight .
25 One person spent illicit hours at Saatchi 's designing our logo ; WTN allowed a lot of things to go through the system — printing , photocopying , artwork ; Gina got the entire staff of her office converted to the cause within weeks and it seemed that everyone else had done the same : soon members ' colleagues , friends and relatives were all helping out .
26 It is also true that the partial molar Gibbs free energies of each component are equal at this point and it emerges that the conditions for incipient phase separation are
27 It is obvious that a pretty problem arises when the test of domicile refers the English courts to the law of a country which applies the test of citizenship and it happens that the citizenship of the person in question was British .
28 The Parish Council are of the opinion the satellite dish requires planning approval and it appears that no application has been made .
29 Congress against this background , the Northern region welcomes this report it is an impressive report which signifies the importance that the G M B attaches to issues of health and safety and it indicates that this union will continue to maintain its high standards in this crucial area .
30 In these rump displays the general zebra patterning diverges far more than on any other part of the body and it seems that in this restricted region , at least , species identification is operating .
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