Example sentences of "[noun] and when i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I went back to bathe my eyes and when I returned I could not see them . ’
2 I developed so much skill that I could put together a 50 or 60 break and when I moved to York I played for the local Conservative club and reached the final of the York and District competition .
3 Not in the grocery , I suppose there would be , I mean erm as I say I was never thrilled with the clothing department and when I did get involved with the deals , er I 'm afraid I was a political animal and I would 've have been more interested in the political side .
4 Charlie 'd said he wanted to phone Lilian and when I come back over the road he was in a phone box .
5 I was sat on the couch and when I woke up , ten to three .
6 The others went in the car and when I arrived on the bike a little later they 'd been down the 51 steps to the house and found it like the Marie Celeste , everything open , radio playing but no-one around .
7 it was , it was actually there was a programme on television and my husband took me to the doctor and he said he felt I 'd been on it too long , I 'd been on it about six months and when I come off it , I come off it pretty quick and I ended up erm I did n't know what was wrong with me and it ended up I 've now got epilepsy , and they did n't know if it was caused through erm I took a stroke about three four month after that and then I got the epilepsy as well , so they do n't know if that me coming off it
8 Here is a man who antagonised me and bothered me for 16 months and when I said ‘ yes ’ to fighting him again , he said ‘ no ’ .
9 We was I said look I can read a bloody clock as well you can , I said I wa walking behind you down the , you went in the canteen and when I went past it was one minute past quarter to !
10 It 's great , Frankie boy ; I 'm keeping to the fields and the woods and walking a lot and getting lifts and when I get near a town I look for a good fat juicy dog and I make friends with it and take it out to the woods and then I kill it and eat it .
11 There were definite signs of something in the wind and when I saw who we were drawn with for the first rounds — Nick Price and Ray Floyd — both Nick and I were delighted .
12 I had the sun in my eyes from the windows one side and when I dipped a wing , the stars shining in the other .
13 I know that on Sunday I was on , on the watch , this weekend , and there was so much ice on the river , our anchor boat which is all made of wood , that 's moored up alongside the dredger and when I went along and got , that was about twelve o'clock in the mid-day .
14 Seeking escape routes I found the only other Customs Waterguard Station , seemingly more unpopular than Heathrow , available at that time was Stornoway in the Outer Hebrides and when I rang HQ one day to see if it was still open .
15 I could n't believe it when I first , first year of marriage and when I got pregnant , er , we 'd walk into her , well it 's her daughter 's erm sitting room , she 'd struggle up out of an arm chair and I 'd think oh gosh , I know she must n't get up for me , got the tummy out here ,
16 I hung in there another year shredding a few more files saying maybe it was time I went back to the law and when I got this offer …
17 Somewhere there , but off the would n't it be but erm it was an event erm when I had a rise in wages my mother being a dressmaker she used to have a machine under the little front window and when I got a , I had a , they 'd put my wages up to ten shillings , and when I got in mum came over and said what 's the matter with you she said you seem as if you 're walking on air I said I 'd had a rise in wages and it was up from eight and four pence up to ten shillings I do n't know what that seems but still .
18 ‘ I thought it was some weirdo and when I asked who was calling the voice yelled : ‘ It 's me ! ’
19 Walking through the lobby of Hotel Vancouver one day I happened to see Shelly talking to a smart looking young lady and when I joined them he introduced his assistant , Hellen Semmens .
20 Of the thousand-plus programmes I must have taken part in during those years I remember very little , and those mostly trivial things : Thor Heyerdahl the Norwegian explorer arriving half an hour late from Broadcasting House because the taxi driver sent to fetch him understood he had been told to pick up four airedales ( a reasonable enough request , he reckoned , from the BBC ) ; the maverick film director Ken Russell whacking Alexander Walker , the Evening Standard film critic , over the head with a copy of his own paper ; Norman St John Stevas , MP ( now Lord St John of Fawsley ) winking at a cameraman who had had the stars and stripes sewn on to the bottom of his jeans ; Enoch Powell 's eyes filling with tears when I asked if he was an emotional man ; A. J. P. Taylor on his seventy-fifth birthday admitting he had never been offered an honour and when I asked him which he would like if given the choice , his replying , ‘ A baronetcy , because it would make my elder son so dreadfully annoyed . ’
21 I used to have my hair shaved , now I let it grow — people react to me in very different ways when I have hair and when I do n't ’ .
22 and there was a girl on and she said what is a bolster case and when I tried to explain to her she looked at me as if I lived in the ark and that was going back twenty years ago .
23 It is now firmly established as the UK 's largest and most profitable food retailer and when I spoke to multi-millionaire chairman David Sainsbury yesterday he confirmed that he ‘ is on the brink of making a full scale onslaught into Scotland ’ .
24 I have got to have hope and when I look at Natalie .
25 And proud too , cos blimey , I been walking for ages and when I get back home she 'll think I been real clever to find my own way back , and I ai n't got a yellow card or nothing .
26 My eyes were shut most of the time now as I blundered round the park and when I opened them a red mist swirled .
27 I had my camera with me and I saw there was a ladder up on the top deck and when I got up on the top deck it was quite a giddy height , not to be bit I looked at the mast then I climbed up the mast up three quarters of the way up the mast and er the view from up there looked right down on the causeway .
28 I told him I knew Ben and when I left Durance I went down to the harbour .
29 ‘ I 've locked up the cottage and when I come back in a couple of days I shall sell up my sister 's belongings .
30 It 's long hours and when I get in I 've seen enough shoes to last me a life-time . ’
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