Example sentences of "[noun] and [conj] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In Asia Minor are a number of Greek towns which became Romanised and where excavation has revealed sites and building .
2 Not surprisingly , part-time women were usually left to management 's mercies and when recession struck they were usually the first to go .
3 You can not drill a hole in the boat and when water floods in say to your companion , ‘ It 's nothing to do with you , the water is coming in on my side of the boat . ’
4 Anna uses essential oils in her bath as well as for skin-care and as perfume to uplift her spirits .
5 If we know the extent to which changes in local spending affect savings and if government has some indication of the level of overall local spending during the coming year , it could make the appropriate adjustments to overall policy .
6 It would seem sensible that strategies to help Sheffield , with the recent and very sudden collapse of its steel industry , may not be able to assist Liverpool or Newcastle , where steel has never been an important industry and where decline has been long-term .
7 As more women go to work and as marriage break down increases the networks of local cooperation and support weaken .
8 There are a number of instances in China , however , where oases have been created out of the desert and where desertification has been halted .
9 People would not welcome a move from their home and if closure went ahead over a long period of time staff would inevitably leave .
10 Interbedded in the usual deepish water black shale are numerous boulder beds , that have been variously interpreted as ordinary sedimentary conglomerates , as tectonic breccias , as deposits from melting ice and as rock falls from towering cliffs .
11 The history of pronunciation is one of those issues that do not primarily involve standardization , because it is about the history of speech in face-to-face interaction and because standardization has always had less effect on pronunciation than on other linguistic levels .
12 Liza had given me a gin and tonic and when Granny turned up it was quite clear that she disapproved .
13 They managed to keep their lassitude at bay with regular coffee breaks every hour and when lunch arrived unexpectedly just after midday , courtesy of Brummer , they were grateful for the nourishment and the respite .
14 It then eats dry instead of green grass if that is a necessity and when snow covers the landscape for many days at a time the rabbit has its own solution .
15 Speedwell jumped over the little brook that ran down the middle of the field and when Acorn tried to follow him and fell short , Silver joked with him as he scrambled out and rolled him in a patch of dead oak leaves until he was dry .
16 Cross field and when track divides at edge of wood take right-hand fork .
17 Lennox has not yet been hit in his 21 fights and if Razor gets him with that left smash , it 's goodnight . ’
18 All day long the murky weather had held over the River Thames and as night closed in the February fog swirled out into the narrow cobbled lanes and backstreets of Bermondsey .
19 The Mini sofa has proved the best seller and if demand goes on rising he 's hoping to turn out up to twenty of these off-beat seats a week .
20 The Mini sofa has proved the best seller and if demand goes on rising he 's hoping to turn out up to twenty of these off-beat seats a week .
21 In a case in which a solicitor is privately instructed , the solicitors would , of course , be able to assess the profit costs and if counsel had been engaged then , of course , the brief fee and other fees would have been agreed in advance of the hearing .
22 Regrettably , time may be their undoing , particularly as the diminished funding for TVEI extension work shrinks and as criticism grows about the lack of control in its financing by government departments .
23 Local authorities do not automatically adopt sewers and when development has taken place , sewers have to be specifically dedicated by the developer .
24 In an industry expanding in output and where technology increased rather than decreased the demand for adult male labour , it seems probable that this experience was matched on the country 's other coalfields .
25 Mrs Hellyer only came once a week and though Dad did some of the housework , shuffling round in the mornings and yawning , almost everything had a skin of dust over it and smelt mouldy , like furniture stored in an attic .
26 The bone of contention amongst desktop suppliers is where interoperability ends and where competition starts .
27 It included questions on the presence and frequency of stool soiling , and treatment being given such as stool softeners , laxatives , suppositories , enemas , or others , and their dose and frequency of use and if day wetting or night wetting was present at the time of follow up .
28 He did not recognize the other two rabbits and when Blackberry told him their names — Speedwell and Acorn — he was none the wiser .
29 One could go on and pick many other scriptures , you know in the erm the New Testament not only were there those three questions that we mentioned earlier on about salvation , but there are three unanswered questions in the New Testament in Mark chapter eight , Jesus asked that question of which there is no answer , for what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and looses his sole or what shall a man or a woman give in exchange for their soul , Jesus did n't try and answer , there is no answer to that question , then again in , in Hebrews chapter three , er chapter two and verse three there is an unanswered question , how shall we escape if we neglect so greater salvation , and finally one other the apostle Peter , he asked the question in , in chapter fo , first apostle in chapter four and verse seven seventeen for it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God and if judgment begins with us first , what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God
30 The technology has certainly come of age and whereas battery powered tools can never compete in power with mains operated ones , their increasing sales have made them the fastest developing aspect of woodworking technology today .
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