Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] it a " in BNC.

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31 In the period after 1986 , many of those guesses were in the form of leveraged buy-outs , the use of debt finance to buy a firm from its existing shareholders and to make it a private company .
32 a thin transparent plastic coating applied to paper or board to provide protection and give it a glossy finish .
33 ‘ We are determined to uphold the law at Wellington and to keep it a drug-free zone , ’ said Mr Bone .
34 ‘ A Phazer is not a miracle design that can take a junk board and make it a killer ’ , Milton said .
35 Well , having actually been to Nashville and found it a singularly ugly and inhumane property developer 's hell , I never really thought the city was downhome .
36 When I met Jean-Claude I found something in his face , his speech and gestures , that alerted my heart and made it a gift to him .
37 While you can bung a network card into any PC and call it a server , proper file servers are a different kettle of fish and are designed with one main performance criterion : to maximize data throughput .
38 Sure enough he won the lead , drifted up the HVS crux and vouched it a classic .
39 By 1065 he had conquered Toledo and made it a Christian — Moorish fief owing allegiance to Leon .
40 Even in England , half-inch diameter hail stones are not unknown , and these will smash canopies and ruin the surfaces , causing very expensive damage and making it a matter of luck to get out of the area and down safely .
41 Health physics monitor Steven Crozier , a fitness enthusiast who was one of the group who visited Peel Park to collect the 1993 award , tried out the new multi-gym and pronounced it a real asset ( below ) .
42 For instance , Stravinsky 's Symphonies of Wind Instruments ends with nine bars based on the chord progressions E minor , D minor , and C major , but by adding foreign diatonic notes to each chord he forms small clusters which obscure the harmony and give it a mysterious fascination .
43 NEXT MONTH How to brighten up a dark hallway and give it a new lease of life
44 She unpacked a self-locating mine , punched in her identifier and gave it a simple verbal instruction .
45 The other is a strategy of discrimination which magnifies and exploits every kind of social distinction ( of wealth , culture status , etc. ) to be found within a designated subject population and gives it a racist connotation as signifying certain ‘ exclusive traits ’ .
46 For this month 's design , I have taken the subject of Mediterranean ceramics , touched on in last month 's article and explored it a little further into the area of tiles .
47 Jacqui 's occupation had n't improved it ; she was n't the sort of girl who immediately revolutionized a place and gave it a woman 's touch ; she just spread her belongings over the widest possible area .
48 Velvet Crush take their long-term devotion to the Goddesses Of Jangle , Indiedom and Power Pop and give it a bubblegum blast that — of late — only Redd Kross have chewed on more ferociously .
49 You must save the file and give it a recognised DOS filename for a permanent record of your work .
50 This is the one combination which lifts the tailored jacket out of the dated power-suit idiom and gives it a contemporary relevance .
51 Because British intelligence has been reluctant to spy on a legitimately elected government and has also been forbidden from keeping ministers under surveillance , MI5 has welcomed the CIA 's intervention and given it a free rein in its British operations , always provided that it can share the resulting information .
52 I think that 's what Priest , I mean I do n't know , Priest probably has a whole history of how he got is Esquire style , but Vincent went over there and had something to do with it , and I really think that taking the old style stuff and giving it a new spin helped , and the difference between what we 're doing and what the California crowd was doing — and this was also the time of punk rock — was that we were using traditional typefaces and they were
53 Quinn pushed open the street-door , which opened outwards , closed it behind him , dropped a wooden wedge he had carved in the privacy of the toilet under the sill and gave it a hard kick .
54 I found my way to a temperance hotel advertised in the guide-book and found it a homely house .
55 In late 1991 LIFFE revised its ECU bond contract specifications in an attempt to increase its liquidity and make it a viable product rather than delisting it .
56 O K , the only difference is , that if you do make an appointment and make it a sale , I have all the commission .
57 Right come the morning arrived and and somebody else I ca n't remember who though , and there we were all ready to go and were walking with the press into the massive great shed where they roll the paper and make it a massive place the size of a couple of football pitches , we were just going in the door and somebody said to me they 're no gon na be using their flash guns are they ?
58 Just by chance I happened to have the opportunity of watching yesterday morning and found it a prayerful , joyful experience with so many of the parishioners of very generation actively involved .
59 A significant number of the executive search consultants in the major firms have chosen , for the best of reasons , to come into this role and find it a challenging and stimulating career in itself .
60 We spent ten days on the island and found it a place of contrasts .
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