Example sentences of "[noun] and [noun] given to " in BNC.

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1 The proprietors of Elmfield House , Jim and Edith Lillie , were initially a little apprehensive about opening their much restored and much-cared for home to the public — but they soon came to appreciate the friendship and interest given to them by their visitors from all over the world .
2 While one takes into account the concern of Calvin and the reformers for the balance between the light of scripture and the inner light and direction given to individuals an experience vouchsafe for countless times in both the Old and New Testaments also remembering our lord 's own use of silence in prayer and I believe the increasing use of silence in modern worship and may I also say how very impressed I was by Dr 's prayer at the opening of this assembly in which he asked for the guidance of God and indeed your own equally eloquent prayer on Sunday evening Moderator open to the prompting and leading and guiding of God 's spirit .
3 Much of that worth depends , as it does for the teacher cited above , on recognition and status given to one 's work by others .
4 Anne felt that she considered her a green fool , and Mabel was indignant that Hetty was very ready to accept the ‘ perks ’ of the job , such as the cakes and bread given to the staff by Mrs Dyson , and the extra money from Mr Dyson , but was always on the alert for any infringement of her rights .
5 A very pleasant day was had by all , and Clive Moxon said that ‘ we would particularly like to express our thanks and appreciation to Area Manager Ken Burkinshaw for the help and assistance given to our retired association ’ .
6 Groups are capable of great creativity , as in language and folksong , and even in the stimulus and support given to individual writers and thinkers .
7 This now emerged in lectures and papers given to a variety of audiences , including doctors , teachers , social workers , and other members of the helping professions , as well as analysts .
8 With the wide coverage and freedom given to pupils to develop their own individual lines of inquiry , the identification of a large an detailed collection of keywords was one of the major tasks at the design stage .
9 This was the support and affection given to Margaret by her family .
10 Legends must suffer for all the gifts and luck and privilege given to them .
11 They also have to learn that the various legal powers and duties given to the governing body mean very little in practice if the governors are at odds with the head and staff .
12 All reasonable precautions are taken to ensure that the advice and data given to readers is reliable .
13 All reasonable precautions are taken to ensure that the advice and data given to readers is reliable .
14 We are inclined to favour the arrangement we have given , however , for the sake of the added depth and breadth given to the melodic combination by the addition of the lower octave , and the pure brass tone-colour of the chords .
15 If a small proportion of the effort and money given to the study of immunology and human disease had been given to the study of pharmacogenetics in specific disease states much would have been learned .
16 I have examined the foregoing Revenue Account and Balance Sheet and certify that they are in accordance with the books and records of the Society and information and explanations given to me .
17 The care and attention given to every phrase is apparent in a selection of Etudes before an enormously conceived Vers la flamme rounds off the recital in a haze of white hot passion and intensity .
18 What makes it so is the extraordinary care and attention given to every guest by its owner , Jean Dodgson .
19 Increasingly close scrutiny of discretionary expenditure and consideration given to alternative methods of achieving existing goals .
20 The anniversary of King George 's coronation , on 11 October , provided the occasion for great patriotic demonstrations , with at Newcastle , which might soon be in the front line , ‘ bonfires in several parts of the streets and beer given to the common people ’ .
21 The research will monitor what coping strategies governing bodies are using to deal with the tasks and responsibilities given to them by the new educational legislation and will also focus on the identification of power relations ( including gender and race/ethnicity ) , decision making processes and networks of influence operating in the eight governing bodies .
22 An object can be drawn initially as a two-dimensional view , with position and depth given to various surfaces and features later by working in another view .
23 The energy and devotion given to making a living are remarkable .
24 Full advantage will be taken of recent developments in networking and computer technology and attention given to issues of data base management and methodological problems of spatial analysis .
25 When I first began the work that I am doing now , I decided to keep an open mind about the topic ; but , as time has progressed , I have been able to record details of fact , time and place given to me by my patients which have later been checked and confirmed and found to be wholly accurate .
26 We live in an age of media saturation where the attention span bestowed on images and voices on the screen may be far greater during the years of maturation than the time and attention given to more traditional bulwarks of a civilised society .
27 It was what she saw as the excessive time and attention given to the ‘ South Bank ’ theologians which she objected to most strongly , feeling that it would only be a matter of time before the Governors took action to alter the position .
28 I found myself tolerant of Ghanaian customs that I had previously criticized , like the enormous amount of time and attention given to funerals .
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