Example sentences of "[noun] and [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I knew that his clothes , his manners and uneducated way of speaking would make me ashamed of him .
2 The course aims to enhance practical skills and to provide an intellectual and philosophical perspective on the activity of translation .
3 This was a telling comment on Francoism 's concept of " normality " and , particularly , on its view of the intellectual and political capacity of women : men who were not the head of the household in which they lived and all unmarried women were disenfranchized , even if they had reached the age of majority .
4 They participated more fully in the intellectual and political life of their time — some argued that they participated too much — and reflected their society 's values , again , perhaps , too much if the criticisms of the ‘ social gospel ’ were accepted .
5 She does not know much about world politics ; she undertakes her ‘ strange Odyssean intellectual and political adventure into the soul and psyche of this unknown leader ’ in , she says , ‘ a systematic journalistic manner ’ .
6 From the views of Plato to those of Ernst Gombrich , from the meanings of Anglo-Saxon stone carvings to the value of Van Gogh 's Sunflowers , the History of Art is an intellectual and aesthetic storehouse of fundamental and often controversial issues of almost unlimited scope .
7 The intellectual and emotional clarity of his understanding , his sensitivity to language , and the potential of traditional figurative modes of writing , come together in a work of literature which conveys a sense of the Incarnation as a live issue .
8 The Aden correspondence , by contrast , accurately records the ebb and flow of Nizan 's intellectual and emotional state of the time , and graphically records the genesis and development of a far-reaching emotional and political metamorphosis .
9 Further problems highlighted by the chapter are the failure to recognize ethnic diversity and differences ( Asian is used to describe people from' India , Pakistan , Bangladesh , Sri Lanka , for example ) ; over-simplification of correlations and exclusion of environmental and societal influences ( e.g. attributing a black child 's intellectual and emotional impairment to parenting rather than to school and/or other family and community ) .
10 The intellectual and emotional leader of that original collective was Fred Newman , a Korean war veteran , who had grown up in the Bronx , held a PhD in the philosophy of science from Stanford and abruptly turned to Marxism in the mid-1960s .
11 His intellectual and emotional itinerary between 1924 and 1927 is the record of a deepening crisis brought on by a growing realisation of the political and social dimension of his current lifestyle , an awareness that his pursuit of academic excellence and success had implicated him personally in a way of life that contradicted , subverted and emasculated the values and beliefs of his own social origins .
12 It would consequently seem appropriate to assess Nizan 's intellectual and emotional itinerary in these crucial years in three consecutive phases : ( a ) 1927–33 , ( b ) 1934 , ( c ) 1935–9 .
13 And with their given tone and range , the two lectures proclaimed that Altertumswissenschaft , the pure intellectual and compartmental study of antiquity , was not the least of his particular targets .
14 The socialist world was a ‘ powerful international entity ’ advancing along a path which ‘ reveal[ed] in every way the intellectual and moral wealth of man and society ’ .
15 The play was directed by a fellow Welshman , Frank Hauser , a young intellectual and committed man of the theatre .
16 The paradox in Leapor 's response to her experience is that she is firmly aware of its physical nature , yet she also insists on the intellectual and spiritual dignity of women .
17 Ayrton Senna is always carrying on about the intellectual and spiritual fascination of discovering his own limits in a racing car .
18 ‘ The intellectual and rational conception of life has given way to a more creative interpretation ’ , wrote the British Surrealist Eileen Agar in 1931 , ‘ and artistic life is under the sway of womb-magic ’ ; and Agar give expression to this ‘ womb-magic ’ in the foetal and embryonic forms which play a central part in paintings such as ‘ Family Trio ’ or ‘ The Autobiography of an Embryo ’ where fluid shapes float across the picture plane to be captured in a net of geometric planes .
19 Leavis does not question or problematize the existence of the materials of the literary tradition , and the moral force to be associated with the study of English resides , not in the " personalities " of great authors , but in the capacity of an intellectual and professional elite to " respond " , that is , to recreate in themselves that evaluative response to cultural change seen as inscribed within the literary tradition .
20 1989 ) , ours identified or underlined some of the main factors in effective school management : the style and quality of the head 's leadership ; the intellectual and professional climate of the school ; The explication of the management roles of staff with posts of responsibility curriculum leaders , year leaders , coordinators and deputy heads ; the importance of formal structures and mechanisms for decision-making ; the need to strike an appropriate balance between such formal structures and informal processes ; and the importance of involving all staff in decision-making .
21 In the last ten years it has become apparent that there is some stability and continuity in intellectual and cognitive functioning from infancy through early and later childhood .
22 Nothing was of more significance in the intellectual and institutional development of medieval Europe , indeed of modern Europe , than the rediscovery of the Roman law texts in the eleventh century .
23 While there he tried to form the Labour Church Settlement , a community to function as a centre of intellectual and cultural life for the surviving Labour churches .
24 With regard to the first , it was often argued that Afro-Caribbean family and child-rearing patterns harmed the intellectual and educational development of black children , but the misleading assumptions about these patterns and consequences have now been effectively contested ( Cross , 1978 ; Reeves and Chevannes , 1983 ) .
25 However , if the original social and education objectives of the course have not been met it has nevertheless succeeded in tapping the hidden intellectual and educational potential of many working-class men and women .
26 [ that ] the library should be the centre of intellectual and social life of the school for both staff and pupils ( School M )
27 Both the adopted children and the institutionalized boys thus show that the deprivation of intellectual and social experience in infancy had not produced irreversible consequences , however drastic the effects at the time .
28 She characteristically underplays her education , intellect , and talent as a ‘ weaker Woman ’ , but her religious rationalization of women 's intellectual and social position in relation to men has a rather bitter tone : ‘ Eve 's Theft serv 'd but to dignify Man 's Soul , /Her Sex denied the Knowledge which she stole . ’
29 The Science Studies Unit offers teaching to science students on the structure and historical development of the scientific community , the nature of the claims and ideas of science , analysis of the intellectual and social role of the scientist and physician , and some of the cultural , political and social implications of the emergence of science , medicine and technology in Western society .
30 I am not attacking the intellectual and musical meritocracy of Oxford and Cambridge for I do not wish to become embroiled in a political argument .
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