Example sentences of "[noun] and [noun] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 THROUGH THE DEVIL 'S GATEWAY Women , Religion and Taboo Edited by Alison Joseph
2 Only read this section if you are ready to accept the risks and rewards offered by the more sophisticated loans .
3 Create a new Ministry of Arts and Communications headed by a minister in the Cabinet .
4 Ageist assumptions connecting old age with ill-health can often arise from the extreme social isolation and withdrawal experienced by many older people , the self-neglect that this can cause , and the illness that then arises from this neglect .
5 What is disconcerting is that Peters , well-known for his fondness for overstatement but highly valued as the co-author of In Search Of Excellence , is describing a future where the characteristics and skills displayed by men are not only worthless but may even be harmful .
6 These will highlight the special characteristics and training required by the horse , together with the physical resources needed .
7 And further : We can , in summary , at the very least draw this conclusion : that it is , by reference to modern biological thought , a tenable view of society which — so long as its component classes are not exclusive — sees advantage to it in the variety of aptitudes and attitudes implied by class structure in a mixture of co-operation and competition between them .
8 Deformed sperms , de-energised sperms and sperms deterred by the acid environment of the womb , were catalogued so that when the camera followed the successful ones on their journey it seemed a miracle that any got to their destination at all .
9 In addition to the two leitmotifs , Stravinsky used traditional songs and dances backed by a mysterious rhythmic sound which helps to heighten the tension .
10 They find their thinking and decision-making dominated by market and resource considerations which in their scale and complexity are a long way indeed from the traditional concept of primary headship ( Audit Commission 1991 ) .
11 It has been shown time and time again that , if we follow the path of kindness and understanding begun by Xenophon , there is a more successful and gratifying way of training horses — as illustrated so long ago by Alexander the Great with his charger Bucephalus .
12 Robert Stephenson and Co. had by 1840 supplied locomotives to Austria , Belgium , France , Germany , Italy , Russia , and North America .
13 The soft crust thinks the rotten so-called adult world shops at Next , and it takes itself too seriously ( like any sullen delinquent ) to explore the groovy games of style , experiment and enterprise played by the ‘ kids ’ .
14 All the more unfortunate does this become in the presence of narrow majorities , each representing a minority of the electorate , sometimes a small minority , and when at least one of the parties believes that the prerogatives and rights conferred by electoral victory , however narrow , not merely entitle but compel it to impose on the helpless but unorganized majority irreversible changes for which it never consciously voted and to which most of its members are opposed .
15 The main artery of rural life is being cut by intensive agricultural methods including use of pesticides and fertilisers supplied by large businesses , while retailing of produce is done by large companies taking a big slice of the profit .
16 In northern forests , the dispersers of e.g. Fagaceae also eat ectomycorrhizal fungi and seeds planted by them also have ectomycorrhizae .
17 Another parallel between football and industry exposed by the research is the frequent failure of managers to communicate with their players and discover where their strengths lie .
18 Once the instruction is given , you will be impressed by the speed and enthusiasm shown by our sales staff who are so vital to the success of Adkin .
19 The first point of importance in what Bukharin said in the ‘ Notes ’ is that , despite the accelerated rate of industrial investment and growth presaged by the FFYP , he argued that there would be no fundamental change in the basic strategy of the New Economic Policy .
20 A provision for the partners to bring in to the firm 's account their fees and other remuneration derived from offices and appointments held by them ( see below ) ( Clause 10.06 ) .
21 If a claim is lost in court , the pain , loss and damage suffered by the haulier is obviously much greater .
22 She reflected on the reasons why people in modern society have difficulty in expressing and ritualizing grief and responding to loss and bereavement experienced by others .
23 In an effort to produce a short form the JCT has not included specific provisions for many common situations , such as the need to open up work for inspection , or loss and expense suffered by the contractors due to default by the employer and supervising officer .
24 As the Bristol teams , and others who may build on their examples , move forward in their research and their care for families , we can begin to look forward to a time when the tragedy of loss and anguish faced by famous people like Anne Diamond and Julie Walters , and thousands of other ordinary everyday people , may become a thing of the past .
25 It is surprising how long this kind of grudge can be remembered , perhaps because the occasion is inextricably mixed with feelings of loss and deprivation caused by the parent 's death .
26 By this method , produce is subjected to waves and particles generated by a radioactive source which kills off all living organisms , including bacteria , as well as delaying the ripening and decay of fruits and vegetables .
27 Fossils from more recent strata showed progressively less similarities with time in the different continents ; this he attributed to the contrasting evolutionary paths of groups of animals and plants separated by continental drift .
28 Perhaps the most convincing argument for the reality of species is that the kinds of animals and plants recognized by pre-literate peoples have been found to correspond almost exactly to the species recognized by modern taxonomists in the same area .
29 Meredith and Markby stood by the hedge as the parade ambled past , the child at the rear , a minute figure compared to his charges , whistling , shouting insults and slapping the laggards on their muddy behinds .
30 But according to a Greenpeace scientist , the amount of cod and capelin taken by the seals is insufficient to account for any significant decline in cod numbers .
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