Example sentences of "[noun] and [vb -s] to the " in BNC.

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1 Always taking cold which settles in the nose , throat or ears and goes to the chest .
2 The channel of communication is the copper wire which carries the electrical signals and runs to the distant end .
3 The teacher then holds the little girl 's hands , so she ca n't point , shuts her own eyes and says to the child :
4 The major agreements are drawn up between a small number of tightly-controlled organisations and the outcome of their central negotiations sets guidelines and limits to the industry-wide negotiations which then subsequently take place .
5 The tour returns to the United States and continues to the thundering Niagara Falls , and then to Buffalo .
6 Sadat pitches his cigarette end through the window , gets out of the car and strolls to the gate .
7 You can also zero the counter at your end point on the tape , then rewind to the start point : when it plays up to 000 the machine stops the tape and rewinds to the beginning .
8 They will always be eligible bank bills and not true trade bills and their nomenclature in this context can only be described as a kind of shorthand and corresponds to the requirement that they must be drawn for transaction not capital purposes .
9 In retrospect , for instance , he thought that Suite had choreography rather like Balanchine 's in the phrasing of sequences and repeats to the music , and in the lines , which were not straight like a corps de ballet of swans or sylphides but went off suddenly at an angle .
10 An object slides off the bed on her side and falls to the floor with a thump .
11 April : April 1 : Bessmertnykh discussed in Beijing measures to resolve Soviet-Chinese border disputes , and the reduction of troops on both sides of the border ; April 4 : Polish Prime Minister Jan Krzysztof Bielecki held talks with Gorbachev in Moscow on the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Poland , the internal situation in both countries , and prospects for co-operation ; April 4 : Romanian President Iliescu arrived in Moscow to sign the Soviet-Romanian Treaty ; April 8-9 : Bessmertnykh , visiting Belgrade , supported the preservation of Yugoslavia 's territorial integrity ; April 8 : Viktor Komplektov named as new Soviet ambassador to the USA ; April 9-10 : Bessmertnykh had talks in Athens with Greek President Karamanlis and Foreign Minister Antonis Samaras and signed a treaty of friendship and co-operation ; April 16-19 : President Gorbachev visited Japan , the first visit by a Soviet leader , and had a number of ( inconclusive ) discussions with Japanese officials about the fate of the disputed Kurile Islands — the main obstacle to a significant increase in the amount of Japanese aid and credits to the USSR ; April 17 : as part of a $3,000 million aid package agreed earlier in the year , the South Korean Export-Import bank signed an agreement giving the Soviet Union $800 million worth of credits to purchase South Korean raw materials and consumer goods .
12 There are both steps and lifts to the roof — two sets , one on each side of the apse — and a visit is a must .
13 Waged on the high ground in the Montagne de Reims , between Épernay and the Marne to the south and Reims to the north , there followed one of the most gruelling and protracted battles in human history , the line of trenches moving barely a hundred yards throughout four long and bloody years .
14 Nonetheless , because the relatively autonomous state in advanced capitalism acts in a way which gauges and responds to the balance of class forces , there is the possibility of a partial socialization of capitalism as an economic system — i.e. the introduction of elements of a socialist mode of production , an argument which purely repressive or instrumental models of the state emphatically deny .
15 It is an obligation of the discount houses to bid for Treasury bills at the weekly tender ; the proportion of each issue that individual discount houses tender for is agreed with the Bank of England and corresponds to the size of the capital base of the discount house .
16 Everyone then gets out of the habit of going to the pub and goes to the ever-increasing competition such as McDonald 's or other fast food establishments .
17 A man climbs into a machine and takes to the air and crosses the English Channel .
18 Of course the brown paper shows in the gaps between the strokes and contributes to the colour , sense to texture and tone .
19 The use , as materials , of things that have been discarded , abandoned or neglected : from lost shoes and combs to the forgotten histories of women , characterises much of the best work .
20 He 's always been paranoid about intelligence , seeing plots and hidden microphones and leaks to the media … he kept the money tight , too .
21 Thank you , does touch on that issue and refers to the point that I made earlier that that the proposals having been referred to that policy and how it meets with er more work .
22 Even when hearing loss is not severe , reading keeps one informed , increases vocabulary and adds to the aural memory-bank .
23 The exhibition closes in Bassano 6 December and travels to the Kimbell Museum , Fort Worth , from 23 January to 25 April 1993 .
24 And , thirdly , he presented the notion that this increasing state intervention and action at the local urban level inevitably ‘ politicizes ’ the provision of collective consumption and leads to the development of political activity expressed as ‘ urban social movements ’ .
25 It is basic AIB practice that the investigating team carrying out the original field investigation follows the work right through all the stages of testing and researches to the ultimate production of the report , thus ensuring complete continuity throughout .
26 The hydrogen atom loses its electron , becomes positively charged and is attracted to the negatively charged electrode , called the cathode ; the oxygen gains an electron and migrates to the positive electrode , the anode , this migration of ions forming the current .
27 Because stock or gravy from salmon , game or beef , let us say , happens to look rich and taste delicious , that does not mean it will not go bad if it separates from the meat or fish in question and settles to the bottom of the pot .
28 The interaction across topics involves longer-range transfer and leads to the beginning of the exploration of problem-solving .
29 Indeed , this is the most significant aspect of the role of religion in the divisions and conflicts in Ireland and goes to the heart of the matter .
30 They will all receive individual Net Sets , the new net measurer that collapses to the exact height of the net , then folds away to the size of a pen and clips to the pocket accordingly .
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