Example sentences of "[noun] and [vb -s] at the " in BNC.

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1 This violent thoroughfare , with its fumes , speed and bandits at the traffic lights , is like a medieval allegory of the pathway to hell .
2 Jaye Davidson wanders into the Ground Floor Bar in Notting Hill and sniffs at the saloon-in-space restyle job with a languid disdain that is only mildly theatrical .
3 Its many alterations and additions reflect in stone and brick , the looms and busts at the woollen industry .
4 It only starts counting from the first row of an entry and stops at the last .
5 He comes to the bar and sits at the table there by the tree . ’
6 The sociolinguistic approach to peer communication records naturalistic dialogue and looks at the structure of conversation in terms of maintaining discourse effectively ( Garvey , 1984 ; McTear , 1985 ) .
7 Creditor management is based upon criteria supplied by the lender and looks at the credit behaviour of the individual , not just a single account .
8 The run , in aid of the NI Hospice , started at the Chimney Corner Inn and finishes at the Lansdowne Court Hotel .
9 Secondly , because the reserves in question , notes and coin and balances at the Bank of England , are liabilities of the Bank of England , then the Bank is itself the sole supplier of such reserves .
10 The 20th anniversary of the launch of charity United Response took place amid much champagne and canapés at the Imperial War Museum , hosted by its president Martyn Lewis ( he of the BBC 's Nine O'Clock News fame ) .
11 The sea ebbs and flows at the rivermouth giving salt-wedge or mixed waters from 1.0015 to 1.007 ( for comparison , coral fish are usually kept at a constant 1.025 or 35 grams/litre , 4.67 ounces/gallon , salts at 25°s ; C ) .
12 There were gasps and whistles at the magnitude of the figure .
13 The text , ‘ Omnis terra adoret te ’ ( ‘ All the earth worships thee ’ ) , evokes a majestic tempo , emphasized by long notes and rests at the end of the movement , preceding the evidently joyful ‘ Et psallat tibi , in duple time , marked légèrement ( one of the ‘ time-words ’ discussed below ) .
14 The spring bloom starts during mid March and culminates at the end of April , following the yearly spring increase in incident radiation , in the absence of water column stratification throughout .
15 Shoot the bird seed so that it moves to the right and stops at the point where Clyde started .
16 For example , his mother finds it almost impossible to prepare Veronica 's tea , which she likes to feed to the child , because John empties cupboards upstairs , turns on taps , climbs on top of the wardrobe , hangs from the banisters and shouts at the top of his voice .
17 Bradford , for all the Italian wine and canapes at the mill 's art gallery , looked like a dank study by Hockney 's northern predecessor L.S.Lowry .
18 Akroteria were later added in bronze : Victories at the apices and basins at the outer angles .
19 ‘ Monsieur , everyone stands by the edge of the water and stares at the fish , that 's why we have such ponds .
20 Finally , Lindsey and other tax experts have consistently argued that as tax rates are cut , economic efficiency is raised by reducing tax breaks and shelters at the same time .
21 He begins at the beginning and ends at the end .
22 Hong Kong , Hong Kong , Beats the Chinese Heart , a Viewpoint touring exhibition by Simon Buckley shows the mix of traditional and modern lifestyles in Hong Kong and looks at the how the Chinese community has attempted to recreate the atmosphere of Hong Kong in Manchester ( until 2 Mar ) .
23 The west pediment ( fig. 126 ) shows the fight of Greeks and Centaurs at the wedding of Peirithous .
24 I 'd like to import this list into a database , and then mailmerge the names and addresses at the top of my document .
25 The return route follows the Dales Way and involves a bit of road walking , but since the road is a backroad and sees at the most two or three cars a day , it is a pleasant way of returning .
26 What these boardroom blouses and toerags at the turnstiles do not realise is that football management is not a skill to be acquired through hard work , but a gift from God .
27 Consequently , crew weight should be equalised at all times , whether the crew is to leeward or windward : that is why the halyards and the topping lift are usually controlled by the stoppers and winches at the base of the mast .
28 Joyce Nelson assesses the performance of the teacher in the living-room and looks at the lessons being taught .
29 Now , a slick and capacious catamaran leaves Singapore 's Finger Pier at 7.40 every morning and arrives at the island roughly four hours later .
30 Most climbers park at the Belvedere de la Carelle , a viewing point on the loop road that follows the rim of the gorge and ends at the little village of La Palud .
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