Example sentences of "[noun] and [vb mod] [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 Deals of this nature are not uncommon because , for example , the CIA and KGB give each other the right to approve the appointment of their station heads and can use their veto if the opposition proposes someone unacceptable .
2 People can see what I have done in the past 16 months and can form their own opinions about whether I have made the right judgments for the future of this country . ’
3 He explained that he knew the velocity of the bomb-fragments and could calculate their time of arrival in his head .
4 It will focus on the social and political origins of the newly forming political and business elites in Eastern Europe with particular reference to Russia and will analyze their place in the system of political power .
5 In continuous-process plants workers are liberated from the rhythm of the machine and can set their own pace .
6 The Guardian also says Shearer twisted an ankle avoiding a lunge from Carl Bradshaw on Sat and may miss their game with Pompey on Wednesday , I would n't mind him missing sundays game .
7 Such students , it was said , would listen with mingled pleasure and wonder to the professor 's lectures and would perform their task with the greatest cheerfulness .
8 The Phoenicians on the other hand have a good knowledge of the GPC rules and would use their orthographic knowledge when looking for incorrect spellings .
9 Burnley came from behind to beat Stockport 2-1 at Edgeley Park and could thank their new signing Ron Futcher for the equaliser after Edwards had given the home side the lead .
10 It should also be remembered that teachers are always assessing their pupils ' performance on a daily basis and will know their pupils well over the period of time .
11 All Winners will be notified within four weeks and must claim their prizes at the very latest by Friday 22nd June .
12 So far all the preparations had been made as discreetly as possible , under cover of darkness , but now the moment he most dreaded was approaching , the moment when the sepoys would realize that a retreat was taking place and would launch their attack .
13 2 Chron 7.14 — ‘ If my people , who are called by My Name , will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land . ’
14 The pardon stipulated that Aoun , Jamrah and Ma'luf should live abroad for at least five years and would lose their immunity if they engaged in political activity during that period .
15 Members must have been trading in the UK for at least two years and must disclose their turnover and profits — lack of profits are not a bar to membership however , he added , because ‘ we would hate to disallow the big international business machine companies ’ .
16 Thus , Cliftonville have pushed themselves very much into the picture and can enhance their claim by taking care of RUC at Newforge .
17 Those who join a local tinnitus group may find that being with others who know the problems and can share their experiences is comforting , even reassuring .
18 They have less need of instruction manuals and can follow their instincts and the dictates of their heart .
19 If the directors do state their reasons the court will investigate them to the extent of seeing whether they have acted on the right principles and will overrule their decision if they have acted on considerations which should not have weighed with them , but not merely because the court would have come to a different conclusion .
20 Sufferers will deny that their problems have any connection with alcohol or drugs or other addictive substances or behaviour and will protect their employment until it is almost the very last thing to go before the final total surrender to addiction .
21 But the investment company collapsed , and now Mr Woodward and his wife owe sixty thousand pounds and may loose their house .
22 Sufferers frequently know the exact time of their last drink and may remember their very first introduction to alcohol as a very special experience , something that may clearly differentiate them from the non-addictive population .
23 They describe it as a terrifying ordeal and although it was around two o'clock in the morning , they say a number of people were in the area and could help their search for the rapist .
24 Two or three Zuwaya had reputations as excellent poets and would record their poems if pressed : indeed , one made a charge for doing so , a practice not approved by all .
25 If Hospital Trusts attract more staff and can determine their own pay rates , there must be concern about shortfall in other services .
26 The Government are currently considering the findings of the recent review of meat hygiene enforcement and will announce their decision as soon as possible .
27 They can also sell peripheral products such as insurance and can push their own products .
28 They say the report has already damaged morale and could ruin their careers .
29 Malcolm Dalkin of LV Motors , who produce the Aerogen wind generator range , maintains that if a tiny trickle charge is put back into a yacht 's batteries it will both maintain their performance and could increase their lifespan by two or three years .
30 England have been seeded for next summer 's World Cup and will play their three first-phase games in Sardinia , soccer 's governing body , Fifa , announced .
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