Example sentences of "[noun] and [vb past] that she " in BNC.

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1 Harriet glanced at Meredith and saw that she was looking at the picture .
2 Philip shut his eyes and prayed that she would hit Rebel .
3 She bit her lip and closed her eyes and prayed that she and Steve would somehow resurrect what they had had in Seville as she and Fernando had done .
4 She closed her eyes and found that she did n't have the energy to open them again .
5 Then a young woman — dark , quite a looker if you liked that sort of thing but a bit too full of herself for Bennett 's liking — walked into the club and announced that she was the dinner guest of Sir Robin Day , he could only treat her to his coldly disapproving smile and direct her to the ladies ' bar .
6 With a small detached part of her mind she heard her quick , breathless words and realised that she was chattering .
7 He anticipated his wife 's distress and knew that she " feared the worst " .
8 Julia put the desolation that suddenly thrust itself into her mind down to her cold and said that she thought she ought to go bed .
9 She hated Nora for the double betrayal and swore that she would never forgive her .
10 Several of his perfumes seemed promising and in the end she took away samples in three small bottles and promised that she would return when she had tried them out .
11 Robyn let out a deep sigh and realised that she was shaking from head to foot .
12 At the end of the day , being a gentleman , I offered to carry Ann 's rod back to the car ; but she is a very independent lady and announced that she was perfectly capable of carrying her own fishing-rod .
13 He exchanged a look with Fenella and saw that she was watching Goibniu quite politely , but that there was a wariness in her eyes .
14 Dorothea spooned glistening black gobbets of jam on to a silver dish and wished that she could like Alida Thorne a little more .
15 Surkov rang Masha from the lobby and learnt that she felt better ; we could come to her room .
16 A widow had the shock of her life when she opened a letter from her local council and discovered that she was in arrears with her rent .
17 They did have a ‘ look at ’ Ken in Share My Lettuce and concluded that she was right .
18 She could feel the great flight of the dragon and sensed that she was high in air and travelling fast towards the sunset ; she could feel the great muscles of the dragon 's wings send ripplings down the stomach walls and she gave herself over to death .
19 She looked me over , said I seemed to be a nice girl and announced that she had just the job for me — taking her goats out for a walk !
20 She had never been to Ireland and said that she had never read anything about that country , and yet she was able to supply an abundance of detail about the way of life in that place at an earlier time .
21 He caught a glimpse of the fair hair and saw that she was talking to someone he recognised as the drummer from the band ; the whole group was there , giving an impromptu concert on tin whistles to the tired hikers sleeping on their rucksacks undaunted by the howl and shriek of the space-invader machines on the other side , a cacophony of mechanical rage that deafened him together with the thin notes of a rebel song .
22 He asked her to go into the fo'c's'le and as soon as she was inside closed the hatch and said that she could come out when she was ready to apologise .
23 He discovered that she had an IQ of genius level and announced that she needed firm discipline and intellectual stimulation .
24 She made a few attempts and found that she could not work , she could not even read .
25 Jo caught her mother 's eye and saw that she , too , was amused by her father 's instant expertise in their business .
26 O'Keeffe made it clear that she defined her art strictly as self-expression and indicated that she had first begun her formal training at the Art Institute of Chicago .
27 The boy had been told unequivocally not to let her off the lead — the riding-school only used the land by grace of its owner and it was a shooting estate — but he hated keeping the dog straining at the lead and knew that she would always come to his call .
28 Although Mr Cross was perturbed at his strange encounter , he dismissed his consternation and decided that she must have been a village girl who had watched the train and then returned home .
29 As Claire was breast-feeding , her doctor asked about her diet and found that she was a vegetarian .
30 She blew her nose and announced that she was going to have a bath .
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