Example sentences of "[noun] and [noun pl] for [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 Identify the Institute 's future role in building research and priorities for action.PS
2 Whereas I think in this country that there are adequate channels and mechanisms for people to protest , or , you know , for others to protest on their behalf .
3 North of England Newspapers will work with the council to provide individual entries for £1 and registers for £250 .
4 Assistance with rent and rates for people on a low income is available not only to council tenants , but also to tenants or private landlords , those who live in housing association accommodation and owner occupiers .
5 The course aims to develop the technical knowledge and ability to make decisions about appropriate methods and strategies for livestock development .
6 The inquiry 's terms of reference will be ’ to examine selection and appointment methods and criteria for staff working in children 's homes and to recommend improvements ; and to make such further examination as the committee may consider justified of management or other issues relevant to the protection of children and young people and to the support and guidance of staff in such homes . ’
7 Gin , we are told , is one of the purest spirits made , and juniper berries , the baies de genièvre or ginepro from which Geneva or gin derived its name , provide the characteristic flavouring which everyone who ever drank a glass of gin in their lives would recognize when he tastes the juniper-berry flavour in Provençal game terrines and certain Northern Italian sauces and stuffings for partridge and pheasant ; and eau de vie de genièvre is a spirit used in French and Belgian Ardennais regional cooking , so it seems extraordinary that people blanch at the suggestion that gin should go into the casseroles .
8 Stone 's new job , which he starts Monday November 16 , oversees the systems and application software that runs network management equipment as well as hardware like routers , gateways and switches for data networking , LANs and WANs .
9 Bread and lobworms for chub at Swainby and Maunby .
10 Yellow Cab Cafe has chicken and chips for £2.90 .
11 All that was needed was a little encouragement , a sign that the employer was committed to good employment policies and practices for people with disabilities .
12 The open grate was choked with rubbish , and on the mantelpiece stood a stack of unopened mail , election leaflets , circulars and letters for people who 'd moved .
13 Cottages — even one described as decayed — rented for 3s. 4d. , houses and tenements for 6s. 8d. and 11s. 8d .
14 If the local authorities had been given the money that has been poured into the private sector to be spent on domiciliary packages , more home helps , special care attendance and occupational budgets to provide aids and adaptations for people in their own homes , we could have saved the Government and the country millions of pounds .
15 IDE also has a generator which produces C++ code for all programme objects including classes , templates and notations for data types .
16 The very essence of his buildings is expressed through intimately relating ornament to structure so , together , they create astonishing , tautly dynamic , glittering volumes and spaces for people .
17 It performs weddings and baptisms , funerals and services for people who find nothing for them in separate dominations or who ca n't get to church .
18 She had worked for the Underground movement , involved in forging passports and papers for people trying to escape across the Channel ; had been discovered but saved from death by a German , who had raped her and kept her as his own prisoner .
19 All through this period the parliamentary liaison officer supplied papers and amendments from the committee stages of the Social Security Bill and took back to parliament from the IPG problem areas suitable for Parliamentary questions and issues for MPs to follow up in other ways .
20 Specific recommendations to WACC 's African Regional Association included : setting up networks for the exchange of information on human rights issues ; helping develop leadership and resources for media literacy education ; ensuring participatory communication by ensuring fair representation of denominations , gender , professions , nations and languages .
21 When professionals who work in mental health services talk of an ‘ integrated , comprehensive , seamless service ’ they mean a service where acute hospital beds , hostels , group homes , community teams and services for people in their own homes , are all managed as one service with one team of people who have total responsibility .
22 Over the last fraction of his 34 years ' experience in the hobby , Chris has dispensed with all the traditional off the shelf treatments and remedies for fish and has turned to ‘ natural medicine ’ , centred mainly around the use of herbs — with great success .
23 It applies to homes for elderly people and homes for people with disabilities , mental health or addiction problems .
24 He would like to hear any information available on AEAs preferred strategy for privatisation and would like to know what will happen over terms and conditions for staff when Government division and Commercial division diverge .
25 Tony Page , Assistant Manager , Administration , Corporate Banking , Edinburgh devised a crossword , copies of which he sold to friends and colleagues for £1 each .
26 Wasp grubs for chub and casters for roach at Scoreby and Kexby .
27 Well I 'm concerned Geoff as a Ward Councillor I read about this in the paper that the Environment Committee which David is on er agreed to this scheme which is I 'm all for having squares in the city centre and places for people to sit and enjoy and I 'm ambivalent about the leaf stem .
28 There are exemptions and benefits for people on low incomes .
29 These are the more controversial matters where sometimes people have conflicting views or there are dilemmas and contradictions for people .
30 It was common for African political parties and governments to organize seminars and conferences for media personnel on this very subject .
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