Example sentences of "[noun] show [pers pn] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As the dreamsun showed us the insubstantial outlines of the City down in the valley , we faded to white .
2 When we arrived , Helen Stoner showed us the three bedrooms .
3 At the end of each section there is a summary of the main events of each of the legs showing us the different problems of all 23 entries .
4 They stamped round the sofa and did that tricky bit of acrobatics that Sid and Ethel showed us the other night .
5 Health Home Cooking shows you the new way to serve food that 's light , tempting and satisfyingly nourishing .
6 Rain showed him the offending paragraphs .
7 Supremely , however , this generous desire to show us the best in an author is manifested in his long chapter about Spenser , and there he marks himself out not as a kindly eccentric , but as a pioneer of modern taste .
8 Meanwhile , Flupper showed us the deadly thorn bushes that wrap round their prey like octopuses : and then whooshed us off at savage speeds — sometimes so fast he aquaplaned over the water .
9 Match referee Deryck Murray confiscated the match ball after umpires John Hampshire and Ken Palmer showed him the scarred leather .
10 From an early age , his mother and father showed him the illustrated books on the subject which they had brought back from London , and described at length the wonders of the ballets they had seen danced there by the Diaghilev company , ‘ when they were young and in love ’ , as John put it later .
11 The sultan showed us the royal regalia which were secreted in the palace .
12 Athelstan showed him the forlorn , shallow holes in the ground , the mud piled high on either side as if some demented creature had clawed the corpses out .
13 At Corbett 's bidding an old man showed them the blood-spattered piece of ground where their priest had been found .
14 Beneath the shirt , the mirror showed her the small fine flowers of her delicate bra could be seen .
15 Anne showed her the black bottle .
16 She 's arguing with the serving woman who 's lifted all the lids from the hot dishes to show her the succulent variety .
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