Example sentences of "[noun] must have been in " in BNC.

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1 I 'm forty-eight this year , me mum must have been in there nearly fifty year .
2 Their home was in London and Fanshawe must have been in a hurry .
3 ‘ We ca n't be absolutely sure of the sequence of events but the victim was hit from behind and fell against the door leading into the garage , so the killer must have been in the house .
4 Her presence in the workhouse in itself seems an odd occurrence ; it was hardly as if she had no-one to turn to — any one of her brothers must have been in a position to help when help was needed .
5 Those Belgians must have been in the wrong place at the wrong time , and they probably saw something they should n't have seen , so someone shut them up for good .
6 Sheila and John think the burglar must have been in the house when they returned from a night out .
7 The marriage must have been in trouble even then , he thought , and he had n't known .
8 Coming back , as always , to the Jurassic , one has only to compare the 30 ammonite zones represented in one foot of sediment in Sicily with the 15 000 feet representing a single zone in Oregon , to realise how startlingly different rates of deposition must have been in different places .
9 The seller must have been in possession of the goods or documents of title .
10 Carpenter 's speed and control was even causing problems for Harris , himself no slouch , and Farnham 's hearts must have been in their mouths when the Cranleigh number 10 , having broken clear on the right , hit the deck after a late challenge by Cann who had raced out of his area .
11 The repeated readings must have been in the nature of a penance , which , because of his awareness of his own prejudices , was deliberately self-imposed .
12 Some fairy must have been in love with your father .
13 ‘ The corpses must have been in the marsh for days , even weeks .
14 That train must have been in ever so early . ’
15 Many of the floral designs for this china , whether taken from prints or fresh exotic blooms , were obtained from the nearby Physic Garden and Philip Miller must have been in touch with the factory .
16 The death of Robert Bowes must have been in mind when a warning was incorporated into the questionnaire : " … sundrie accidents may befall fitt for you to observe , and search out … "
17 ‘ The doctor must have been in league with Nigel , ’ Jacqui insisted truculently .
18 This being must have been in some way necessary to humanity , it is inconceivable that this is not so , for surely there would have been evidence of at least one enduring civilisation that had neither ‘ god ’ nor temple .
19 He saw a vast patch of blood and guessed that the ship must have been in one of the many petty skirmishes which took place at sea , for ships of various nations , Norway , Denmark , England , Scotland and France used these waters for fishing , trade and piracy .
20 An individual must have been in the business for ten years or have retained shares throughout this period to qualify for maximum relief .
21 When they finally moved out their successors found the floor covered with six layers of linoleum — the bottom ones must have been in position for many a long year !
22 If to this is added the domestic tensions occasioned by Offa 's determination to secure the succession of his son , Ecgfrith , it becomes clear how highly charged the political atmosphere must have been in Offa 's last years .
23 To belong , a dealer must have been in business for three years and have a proven reputation for expertise .
24 By the middle of 1802 , as the family house and shop passed into other hands , Ben was left alone with only sisters for company ; Elizabeth , the eldest , had very recently married , and little brother must have been in imminent danger of succumbing to the petticoat government of Mary and Sarah .
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