Example sentences of "[noun] look down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But just before this happens , while the taste of melancholy on his tongue is strong enough to set off the sweetness of the place , and of his freedom to enjoy it , but not yet strong enough to overpower it , he sees the woman who is gazing at him from the balustrade of a terrace looking down on the street .
2 The night before they move Howard sits on the terrace looking down upon the city for the last time .
3 We were in a car looking down over the Bay and I said I 've got to go out .
4 But sitting up in the bedroom looking down towards the river , she was asking herself more often of late whether meat and clothing were all there was to life .
5 One can picture Hoskyns looking down from the skies and being grateful for his pupil ; and Bethune-Baker looking down and thinking that he always knew where Hoskyns might lead the Churches .
6 Swirling sand made visibility terrible — I had to fly the aircraft looking down through the side window because I could n't see ahead .
7 Hennessy looked down at the slip of paper that he was being offered .
8 Someone 's brother , baby son , or lover he thought and now he was gone : Corbett looked down at the corpse and felt the futility of the death .
9 Corbett looked down at the fearful remains of a young man who , the last time they had met , had been a vigorous young soldier interested in clearing his own name .
10 Crossley looked down at the corpse , the breeze bringing the stench of blood and excrement to his nostrils .
11 And then one evening I rang the bell and then I noticed the lock was up , so I pushed the door open and looked up the stairs , at the same time as Toinette looked down round the door .
12 Little Amaru looked down at the street and kicked a can with his red gumboots .
13 A row of yellow , baleful eyes looked down from the darkness among the rafters .
14 Dr Neil looked down at the bent blue-black head , and some idea of the enormous concession she was making to him struck home .
15 Travis looked down at the jade .
16 Craig Grenfell stood on the hilltop looking down at the scene in the graveyard below .
17 His father had died serving the Empire as one of the Black Riders and as the boy looks down on the great imperial road from the quiet house of his foster-parents he listens to tales of the powerful Count Jasper , Governor of the Citadel and commander of those orthodox forces .
18 At the top I found myself in a wide gallery looking down onto the floor below .
19 She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and went over to the window to look down at the courtyard .
20 Ruth looked down at the pool , remembering its silken coolness ; then a pang of horror came .
21 Rincewind looked down at the iconograph , still hanging around his neck .
22 Chen looked down at the hand that had grasped his own so firmly .
23 Lord Hulton looked down at the animal which had just stopped breathing .
24 The texture of the novel is in part created by the juxtaposition of dead metaphors and new ones created by slight adjustments to the normal patterns of the language : " … the sun looked down into the top of the dead tree and breathed warmly on the two people " ( p. 142 ) .
25 On either side of him the warders looked down onto the other landings , watching for any signs of unrest amongst those below .
26 Kim looked down at the carpet .
27 DeVore looked down at the hand that held his own .
28 DeVore looked down at the desk .
29 Rilla looked down at the floor and said nothing .
30 After Kensaleyre , this beautiful road , a territory of hawks , runs by Loch Snizort Beag , and from the calm grassy uplands , well-to-do houses look down on the waters where the opportunities for boats seem infinite .
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