Example sentences of "[noun] may [vb infin] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Views may differ as to whether the religious leaning of the school or parental preference should prevail .
2 Those whose main contact with violence has been through television or the cinema may think that in real life , just as in films , the hero or heroine 's story ends when their ordeal is over .
3 OPINIONS may differ as to whether this column should be included among the wise or the damned fools .
4 Opinions may differ as to the extent of the media 's influence in the field of politics and their role in the formation of public opinion , but it would be difficult to argue against what Mr Kawawa said on the subject of politicians and the media :
5 Human groups may vary as to the extent they are able to gain satisfaction of either type :
6 Which senses or activities may suffer because of the way each landscape is being used ?
7 Effective treatment obviously depends on isolating the cause , and if necessary your vet may recommend that in a particular instance a dog may benefit from assessment by an animal psychologist , specializing in behavioural problems .
8 During the period of maturation of these hypobiotic larvae , clinical signs of acute haemonchosis may occur and in the ewes this often coincides with lambing .
9 Uncertainty may arise because of lack of proper accounting records or the outcome of litigation , for example .
10 A bishop who is in office at the time the Canon becomes law may declare that in his diocese no woman is to be ordained priest or ( with minor exceptions ) minister as a priest .
11 Lexical repetition is therefore a much safer option in cases where ambiguity of reference may arise and in contexts which do not tolerate ambiguity in general and ambiguity of reference in particular .
12 The question may arise as to whether the decision to consent to or reject treatment is made by a patient who has the capacity to make the decision , in other words whether he is fit to make it , or whether he has genuinely made the decision .
13 121 , as to which Parke B. , in Cooper v. Parker ( 1855 ) 15 C.B. 828 , said , ‘ Whenever the question may arise as to whether Down v. Hatcher is good law , I should have a great deal to say against it , ’ yet there certainly are cases in which great judges have treated the dictum in Pinnel 's Case as good law .
14 At times the question may arise as to the precise capacity in which a solicitor is in practice overseas , more especially where he or she has qualifications in two or more jurisdictions .
15 To write about emotions may mean that at times a piece of writing in social science reads more like a novel , indeed , may sometimes be a novel — Freud called Moses and Monotheism a novel , and apologized for some of his case-histories reading like novels rather than scientific treatises .
16 Such ratios may differ as between different types of banks , and deposits will be ranked according to their maturity .
17 ( f ) Insurance If the matrimonial home is in the sole name of the husband then it is best to change the insurance arrangements once agreement is reached or the court order made ; the husband may neglect or to be unnecessary where the property already stands in the joint names of husband and wife and a separate declaration of trust is made .
18 The plants may suffer because of the lack of light and fish picking at them but they will soon recover once things are back to normal when you return .
19 An order for delivery of particulars may direct that in default the proceedings be dismissed , or that the defendant or respondent be debarred from defending , or that part of a pleading be struck out ( Ord 13 , r 2(2) ) .
20 SIR — Differences in opinion may exist as to whether the principles of therapeutic vaccines have been solidly established .
21 Loss of equilibrium or social balance within a group may occur because of a variety of behaviours which lead to communication blockages .
22 For example , a directive may determine that from the economic point of view a certain action is required .
23 Depending on the school 's theatre resources , a full term of productions may mean that at least three or more plays will be staged , giving agents , directors and casting pundits a chance to evaluate your work .
24 Jointly with its American equivalent — which has half-a-dozen scientific professionals on the job — it decides how far the ball may fly and with what it may be hit .
25 The evolution of the philosophy behind family planning during the last twenty years has moved rather quicker than that of soil conservation so that the present thinking and problems may indicate that in general terms , this critique of conservation policy is not new , but the transfer of ideas merely overdue .
26 Conversely , it has been accepted that the court may inquire as to whether a visitor intends to act outside his jurisdiction and in a proper case to grant a writ or order of prohibition to restrain him : Bishop of Chichester v. Harward , 1 Durn. & E. 650 ; see also Bently v. Bishop of Ely , 1 Barn.K.B. 192 .
27 Since fax and telex are treated as " instantaneous " , acceptance is only effective when received ; however , if a message is received on the recipient 's terminal but not immediately seen , difficult questions may arise as to exactly when the acceptance is effective .
28 She felt that it was n't children 's job or children 's responsibility to look after the world , it was our job , and that it was not fair to make children feel responsible for doing that erm I mean that seems to me to be a legitimate viewpoint and erm but it 's one of many and I mean other people may feel that in order to save the planet , or indeed prevent wars in the future , it is important to expose children to the dangers of , you know , the current situation .
29 One can not , in other words , argue from the premise that people may disagree as to whether a person was in fact placed in fear for their bodily safety , to the conclusion that a decision-maker can have untrammelled power to decide whether such an apprehension is indeed a constituent part of the offence at all .
30 In these circumstances we accept that it is reasonable that some trustees may feel that in the new situation produced by the tax the right course would be for the settled property to cease to be held on discretionary trust .
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