Example sentences of "[noun] could be use to " in BNC.

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1 By and large , the occasions when the nobility might exploit a situation as cavalry and those when artillery could be used to best effect were not the same .
2 A second study followed with NAA making use of a little-known Top Secret paper published in 1954 on compression lift , in which two National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) aerodynamicists — A J Eggers and C A Syverston — correctly theorized that supersonic shockwaves could be used to partially support an aircraft during supersonic flight .
3 Already , the swift-moving German vanguard was groping its way into the Bois des Corbeaux ; the only wood near the Mort Homme , where those well-tried infiltration tactics could be used to excellent advantage .
4 The law could be used to ‘ protect ’ women and children , to educate men into self-control and chastity , and to reform working-class morals .
5 The relationship between the popes and the religious houses could be used to papal advantage .
6 In each case the argument was much the same : in crisis , it was the duty of politicians to come together so that the best men could be used to the greatest advantage , and so that shibboleths of party could be discarded .
7 It soon became clear that the same system could be used to ‘ read ’ breast X-rays and uncover the earliest signs of disease .
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