Example sentences of "[noun] when you have get " in BNC.

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1 Yeah but trouble is you pray for ra , pray for snow when you 've got a four wheel drive car !
2 It 's like tying an old sock round your neck when you 've got a sore throat . ’
3 Well those are the ones that Matthew we should n't have bought you new trainers when you 'd got these .
4 ‘ Rave ’ is now a dirty word , ‘ Manchester ’ is best forgotten , and as for the Mondays , how daft must it feel to be a rebel role model for spotty teenagers when you 've got kids yourself ?
5 Child-proof locks on cupboards and drawers are a must when you 've got a toddler .
6 Panic when you 've got five .
7 I would like to say in general Mr I think that as a Committee we should welcome this report which does , it really does er has done a very thorough job and ha a a and provides us now with a s understandable framework and and time scale work when you 've got target and when brought forward or shown to any member of the complex that that erm I think provisionally with the backlog of what is now ready to tackle the result onto our and commissioner is grant er , er grant , erm there will be , it will be like an enormous benefits not just in those areas that John has taken us to but in general atmosphere which kind of be very tense and competition and I think we 'll be , be seeing the action in this token er within it will be er target time , erm real pro real progress will be this I think the feeling of that will going , come by will , will , will be a lot of ruling er in this area and maybe even start to er leave the question from er as a result and the signal to the users of our serv , of the services and erm would go out of here in a planned way and in answer to er fairly speedily and you know what or reduce the erm the aggro .
8 would n't understand , it 's just hard work when you 've got the rest of the family to see to as well .
9 ‘ What do you do with the ghosts when you 've got them ? ’
10 You ca n't how can how can you talk about self help solving all the problems when you 've got an aging population who 'll never work again .
11 That 's it yeah , it 's not very easy walking around looking at things when you 've got the kids tagging along with you
12 It 's such , such a time wasting procedure when you 've got to take things back .
13 You know that erm , have you ever seen , is it , I think it 's I T V morning television when you 've got Ross King ,
14 I mean myself has mentioned it now in committee but er I was a lone voice you see that 's the that 's the trouble when you 've got fifteen other members and and they do n't seem to be bothered about trees .
15 Well , we 've not got consistency when you 've got different rules for Apex , different rules for CAT , different rules for , different rules for the public services .
16 It 's about the sa , well it 's might , just a little bit bigger than our school , about another hundred or something , but that 's , that 's a drop in the ocean when you 've got seven hundred there that 's like one in each class or something you know , extra
17 ‘ I tell you what , ’ he said , after thinking for a few seconds , ‘ as you 're so keen on horses why not come up to the farm when you 've got some time to spare and help my young niece in the stables ?
18 It is very easy to look at diagrams and read how it is done , but quite another matter when you have to get down to soil level with thousands to do and a foreman standing over you !
19 That 's why I try and stay away from the throttle in the middle of the corner when you 've got max pressure on the tyres .
20 You 've got the situation where you 've got remote gears , and you 've got a situation where you , sorry , remote valves , and you 've got a situation when you 've got standard valves and also a small
21 ‘ We enjoyed each other 's company , and I guess I felt safe with him , safe , at least , that he was n't after my money , which is always a problem when you 've got a very wealthy father . ’
22 ‘ But it is a big step to leave your country when you have got used to a system , ’ he said .
23 What would you do with the hydrogen when you 've got it ?
24 Once she turned to me and said , ’ You 're not half such a stuffed shirt when you 've got a drink inside you , Mr. K. ’
25 S and er and then of course when you 'd got your so much water out again you used to go and fill it up again .
26 forty five pence a copy when you 've got a printer there .
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