Example sentences of "[noun] when i [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 I have always loved dogs and I became involved with the association when I met a lady who was also involved in puppy training .
2 ‘ Once I was driving up High Street East in Sunderland with a local priest when I saw a furniture van ahead with its ramp down .
3 I stop at the traffic light when I have a visual experience which others would describe as seeing a green light .
4 I did not find any improvement in actual dollars spent on maintenance when I compared an object-oriented system written in 350,000 lines of C++ with a comparably complex product written in 1.25 million lines of C code .
5 Stick to Dijon , although I have used Colman 's mustard and horseradish mix to good effect when I wanted a slightly sweet one .
6 To speak more intelligibly , I never have made any arrangement of plot when I commenced a work of fiction , and often finish a chapter without having the slightest idea of what materials the ensuing one is to be constructed .
7 I was just going to look through it to find out what was happening in the passage when I saw a fishy eye fixed in the centre .
8 AT THIS stage of the last election in 1987 I was in the middle of writing a column when I had a call to say that the Sunday paper in which it was to appear had closed down .
9 And there have been days I 'd have liked her at home when I had a headache or one of the nuns had roared at me at school .
10 Three days later I was limping back from the village and was about half a mile from home when I saw a movement in the hedge .
11 Our spirits were already beginning to flag when I received a letter from Eliot dated 2 June :
12 At about three o'clock in the afternoon , I was standing at the door of the inn when I saw a blind man coming along the road .
13 Ronald Duncan , whom I came to know about this time ( our first meeting took place when I made a bicycle tour of Cornwall in the summer of 1947 ) , spoke of having received a telegram from Eliot cancelling an engagement and saying that he had to ‘ bury a woman ’ .
14 Wrapped in a white towelling robe I was making my way back towards my room when I encountered a tall bearded man clad only in a towel .
15 I was deep into a descending spiral when I heard a tap at the window against which I was sitting .
16 My frustration came to a head when I read an advert in a well known weekly which was for an attractive 1948 Series One the price of which has VAT added How can this be ?
17 No , I could get water when I found a Ladies .
18 Kind people ON Friday , May 28 , I was on my way home to Maghull from Central Station when I had a very nasty fall on the escalator .
19 On the one occasion when I made a direct appeal to her , in connection with the battle against the closed shop for journalists which I describe later , her response was gratifyingly supportive and it was no fault of hers that she was unable to persuade Lord Hailsham to a course of action that might well have altered journalistic history .
20 ‘ He was youth manager at Wimbledon when I held a similar position at Palace .
21 One event which has lived in my memory , and which I would not have liked to repeat , was of cycling home one evening ( I lived near Altrincham ) — and I was in the middle of Barton Bridge when I heard a German bomber overhead — I have never pedalled so quickly since , realising that I was in the middle of a prime target .
22 ‘ I had never heard of the area when I met a teacher from there in 1973 but we became friends and I started to visit .
23 I 'd just squawked the new transponder code when I saw a helicopter ahead at two o'clock .
24 I was about to head for the lift when I noticed a chink of light at the end of the corridor .
25 Times me , and hands over a quid when I cut a fraction of a second off my record — can you imagine ?
26 ‘ I was on my way down to Les Hiboux when I saw a light in the trees .
27 ‘ I left the States and was travelling in Italy when I met a photographer .
28 This was made very clear to me early in my fieldwork when I offended a neighbour by trying to make explicit return of food that had been given to my wife and me .
29 I was on my third cup of coffee and looking around at the other coolies when I saw a familiar blue overcoat coming through the door from the street .
30 One morning I was driving along the road when I saw an old man frantically waving a walking stick at passing cars .
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