Example sentences of "[noun] when [pron] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 For a big man , he could move with surprising speed when he wanted to .
2 So you can hardly expect me to share your rose-tinted spectacles when it comes to marriage . ’
3 She publicly commented on the rift when she spoke to newspaper columnist Jean Rook : ‘ I 'm absolutely sick of the ‘ Wicked Stepmother ’ lark .
4 Well you tell Mummy when you need to wo n't you ?
5 Not short of a pound when it came to putting clothes on her back , I can tell you … ’
6 In other words , pre-exposure to the stimulus may both retard the acquisition of the CS-US association and act to interfere with the retrieval of the information embodied in this association when it comes to a test trial .
7 On one occasion , they locked her in the car when they went to a call and wound up the window to prevent her overhearing .
8 They exchanged a few banalities and then Patrick asked : ‘ You 're quite sure you did not have golf clubs in your car when you went to Romania ? ’
9 It had to be a British car , of course , since Pringle 's did so much business with the local automotive industry — not that Vic has ever driven a foreign car : foreign cars are anathema to him , their sudden invasion of British roads in the 1970s marked the beginning of the region 's economic ruin in his view — but he has to admit that you do n't have a lot of choice in British cars when it comes to matching the top-of-the-range Mercedes and BMWs .
10 We all send and receive visual signals when we talk to each other .
11 I suppose if you put all this together you would say I 'm not exactly the archetypal Mills & Boon tall dark stranger when it comes to courting girls .
12 Above all he turned his anger towards Kenamun , who , on grounds of security , had forbidden Huy to visit the scene of the third murder when it came to light , where he might have had a chance at last of studying the circumstances of death .
13 It seems if you 're a clown you can get away with murder when it comes to cars — forget about roadworthiness , do n't bother with tax discs , ignore MOTs .
14 In the past it was invariably the leading Americans who seemed to have more grit or nerve when it came to the closing stretch .
15 I wish shops would have more uniformity when it comes to sizing guides .
16 ‘ You see … you ca n't beat a veteran when it comes to the crunch . ’
17 Because of the difficulties involved in searching out the true cause of an accident it is important to recruit highly qualified personnel , and it is no secret that AIB has sought — usually with success — to skim the cream off the aviation industry when it comes to personnel selection .
18 Bolinger points out furthermore that the use of the to infinitive after verbs of perception when they shift to the inferential sense fits into an overall pattern with the object + infinitive construction .
19 Scholars ' president looks to famous ancestor The Rev. John Douglas will seek his inspiration from a famous ancestor when he returns to the Friends ' School at Great Ayton as president of the Old Scholars ' Association .
20 Leaving aside the fact that already under Dej the standing of a student 's relatives in the Party hierarchy already counted for a great deal when it came to handing out exam results , connections with the very summit of political power could offer useful patronage and protection to scientists and their institute .
21 ANNA FORD is quite right about women getting a raw deal when it comes to television presenting .
22 Did you know one of my very oldest friends ( family knew mine before I was born ) is a W cousin but he was said to get no reply when he wrote to them some years ago .
23 ‘ ALASTAIR MORTON is terrific at crisis management , but he is no good when it comes to running a settled organisation , ’ says one of those who has been left , somewhat bruised , along the wayside of Mr Morton 's whirlwind career .
24 For small cichlids it is possible , for example , to use nylon net curtains as gravel tidies , but these would be no good when it comes to large cichlids as they tend to get hold of the soft material and pull it out of place .
25 This feedback will be used to guide us in the possible uses of the tape when we come to launching the 4th edition in early 1990 , which will be the published version of the tape .
26 Plastics come to the aid of the kite-maker when it comes to assembly of the frame .
27 She had told neighbours : ‘ We were all watching television in a back bedroom when I went to the toilet .
28 Incidentally , the Minister of State knows that he has got a real pressure group round his neck when it comes to disability and the disabled .
29 ‘ As far as we are aware there were no fish in distress when we returned to work on the Thursday morning and the canal was refilled with two feet of water . ’
30 buzzing in ears when I go to bed at night .
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