Example sentences of "[noun] take [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Tall and elegantly mustachioed , David Esterly is a softly spoken Californian in his mid-forties whose passion for Grinling Gibbons takes him by surprise even today .
2 Each side takes it in turn to bat .
3 ‘ Where did Scott take you to dinner ? ’
4 Bragad took us by surprise .
5 The action took her by surprise , and at first she told herself to remain calm and to take the kiss in the spirit it was being given , which was merely a making up between friends after cross words .
6 The sun was going down when we sailed into the port , and the doctor and Mr Trelawney took me on shore .
7 Half way round the first lap a short sharp guest of wind took them by surprise and they found themselves having an early bath .
8 The trip from Jura that morning had been exciting enough , with a following sea cork-screwing the boat wildly as we ran before it , with the occasional shuddering ‘ gybe ’ when a shift of wind took us by surprise .
9 An ambulance took her to hospital in Abertillery , Gwent , but she was dead on arrival .
10 He kept the man 's airway clear and blood circulating until the plane landed and an ambulance took him to hospital .
11 The strange openness of his deeply blue eyes took her by surprise .
12 His reply took me by surprise as he shook his head firmly and answered : ‘ No thank you , I 've had some today and Mummy rations me ! ’
13 In the carriage taking me into town , I cried a little .
14 CHAMPAGNE flowed and new coach Peter Nash was carried shoulder high by his team emphatic 29–13 triumph at Clifton Park on Saturday took them into North Division Two next season .
15 A squad car took him to hospital where he died .
16 The children were killed when masked gunmen opened fire on the minibus taking them to school .
17 Even so , the first words took him by surprise .
18 and er , I think until women 's football take it on board all the way erm , they 're not really gon na stand up with the men they have to become , referees , they have to become coaches , and more and more of these people erm , taking responsibility .
19 Did mummy take you to school ?
20 ( Words to take you through time . )
21 However , when he later became drowsy she telephoned for an ambulance to take him to hospital .
22 They found it difficult to rouse him and on seeing the bottle of tablets on the floor next to him , called an ambulance to take him to hospital .
23 Jackie from Marriage Lines takes us through day and evening invitations embossed with clinking champagne flutes and bordered in watered silk .
24 Seb had two feet on the ladder when Melody took him by surprise and caught him in a hug .
25 The suddenness and ferocity of the downpour took her by surprise .
26 We were watching a tree pipit in display flight when a sudden downpour took us by surprise and sent us scurrying , as fast as the bossy ground would allow , to the nearest hide .
27 ‘ There is no doubt in my mind the took that decision because Castlereagh Borough Council took it to task over its figures , ’ he said .
28 When Reinhard Pischel was a young man , his daily journey to work took him from east to west Berlin .
29 His first thrust took her by surprise .
30 And the dream took her into hospital where the nice young man was lying in bed with his head bandaged and she was holding his hand ; and the dream brought a little comfort to the events of a night that was to be the turning point in her life .
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