Example sentences of "[noun] know that [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It gave her confidence a boost to know that she had spotted him , and it made her actions easy .
2 ‘ It helps clients to know that you care .
3 I was just six then , and while Blyth knew that I had had some sort of little accident when I was much younger I certainly seemed to him to be a lot more able-bodied that he was .
4 1.15 In Gregory 's case the plaintiff , who was injured in a way that could have been avoided by wearing a seat belt , suffered a 40 per cent total reduction since he was also travelling as a passenger in a car knowing that it had defective brakes .
5 Andy knew that he had to shoot a birdie himself to have a chance of forcing a ‘ sudden death ’ play-off .
6 Paley knew that it needed a special explanation ; Darwin knew it , and I suspect that in his heart of hearts my philosopher companion knew it too .
7 However , in Armagas the person dealing with the agent knew that he had no actual authority to enter the transaction in question .
8 With her mind and her intellect Shiona knew that she hated him , yet , shamelessly , wantonly , her body still craved him .
9 Dot knew that she had everything she used so much to long for .
10 But now she was whispering too and Dot knew that she did n't know what was out there with them either .
11 A ‘ desperate ’ candidate stands much less chance than a more relaxed candidate who goes into the interview knowing that she/he has other options .
12 I should like to refer briefly to something in which my right hon. and learned Friend knows that I have a passionate interest .
13 The truth is that Labour knows that it has no creditable system with which to replace our proposals .
14 Great-gran knows that I bath her . ’
15 But if they did n't speak with tongues how did Simon know that they had received the Holy Spirit ?
16 It was n't an attractive option , especially as she did n't need to glance behind at the carefully packed boot full of vital equipment to know that she had brought no waterproof coat ; she was an optimist by nature and one with no foresight , always a lethal combination .
17 ‘ The TV crew on The Darling Buds Of May know that I hate my backside , so they 're always making little comments , ’ she revealed in an exclusive interview .
18 She wanted their parents to know that they had had an accident , were safely aboard a Royal Navy ship and would be home soon . ’
19 Parents knew that they did not need to agree in their answers .
20 ‘ Whilst recognising that staff in other parts of AEA would undoubtedly be more concerned , he and his colleagues in the UK and overseas subsidiaries knew that they had to ‘ Keep their eye on the ball , push ahead with product development , sell hard and achieve their demanding targets for growth . ’
21 The circumstances in which freedom might be won were clearly defined , and Alexei knew that he had sometimes thought that the lowest class in the Empire — the proles , who worked for pay — were no less enslaved and had perhaps fewer rights .
22 He had not seen any of his children for ten years ; but he guessed that Alexei knew that he hated to be treated with formal courtesy .
23 If A knows in advance that B ca n't come , then he is being deceptive ; but if he knows that B knows that he knows that B ca n't come , then he can not be interpreted as requesting at all ( utterance ( i ) might then be a joke , or if B is in an incapacitated ( say , inebriated ) state , perhaps a gibe ) .
24 Stella gave a teasing laugh as she said , ‘ Everyone at the Wilderness knows that he runs away from women — but one day he 'll be caught .
25 Sec. knows that he has made a step towards a quorum on the next occasion .
26 I think Giles knows that I do n't take him seriously . ’
27 ‘ And does Tom know that you have come to see me ? ’ asked the counsellor .
28 He had also engaged to do the same thing for Chief Superintendent John Coffin and one or two other enemies if he could get round to them , but he had let Place know that he had a prior claim .
29 More importantly , Mr Ferguson 's team embark on three matches in the next five days knowing that they need a maximum 11 points to lift that elusive championship trophy .
30 Old Mother Jacobsen knew that she did not have unlimited time to tell the story of Marie Grubbe to Elisabeth Danziger ; Elisabeth would stay for an hour and then be on her way .
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