Example sentences of "[noun] who go [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 People might call me an asshole for saying that , but I think it 's cheating the kids and the fans who go out and spend money on a record , who spend their time following a band and respecting and loving that band .
2 ‘ In France they have a Minister For Rock who goes round and investigates the need for venues and rehearsal space , ’ says Salli .
3 and erm these were poultry breeders be erm scattered all over the count er county who yes the erm accredited poultry breeding station scheme was erm initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture and erm there were a number of farms scattered all over the county erm where they were open to inspection and erm we had erm had a Mrs who went round and inspected the flocks and erm they had to reapply each year to erm sustain their accreditation
4 ‘ I 'm not nervous , ’ says Dolores , ‘ but I 'm just not the type of person who goes out and can say ( adopts hysterical Lita Ford persona , clenched fists raised to the sky etc . )
5 The person who goes there and basically they want to take their home with them .
6 It offers so very much to the young people who go there and also has a lot to offer adults .
7 ‘ The main message of this conference is that the Government has to get to grips with the legislation and put the blame firmly where it lies that is with the people who go out and break the law buying cigarettes . ’
8 If he cracks down on you , London would crack down on all the fringe people who go in and out of the Soviet network there .
9 I know some of these security men are worse than the bloody people who goes in and out there you know .
10 The swig merely prickled the swimmer 's gums — beach reconnaissance teams usually spoke of ‘ the swimmer ’ as the man who went ashore and ‘ the paddler ’ as the man staying with the canoe .
11 Jesus had been , with his disciples and he had spent the whole day in teaching and preaching to the people , he 'd been explaining to them what the kingdom of God was like , he 'd been telling them some of the parables that perhaps we 're familiar with , he 'd been telling them about the parable of the sewer and the seed , the man who went out and he sewed his seed and different things went wrong birds came and picked up the stuff that fell by the wayside , some fell on stony ground and it could n't put down any roots , some fell amongst thorns and they were quickly choked , but some did fall in good prepared soil and that grew .
12 Is there a reliable man who goes back and forth freely into Wales ? ’
13 For the searcher who goes on and comes to believe , this is the only possible starting point — a sense of need which may range from a mild discomfort to a deep conviction , but which spurs him to look for a solution beyond himself .
14 But Scots always value the ones who go away and make good , provided they do not get above themselves .
15 They were the ones who went in when all else had failed ; they were the élite .
16 They were also the women who went more and more to seek the aid of psychiatrists and marriage counsellors .
17 In the first series the emphasis was all on the very street-sussed young women who went out and solved all kinds of crimes , problems and so on .
18 And although he co-produces with Michaela Strachen , she is clearly positioned as his — she 's the bimbo who goes along and enthuses about the dancers , whereas he knows where it 's at musically , because he is , after all , a famous producer — he is the man with the knowledge .
19 If there were games to be played or work to be done or stories to be read it was always to Rachel that she would turn ; Rachel who went out and came in when she said she would and said ‘ yes ’ or ‘ no ’ , not from whim or temper , but with authority .
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