Example sentences of "[noun] just do n't [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A. It would be best to feed your proposed trickle filter from a properly drilled tank ; syphons and valves just do n't work .
2 But some schools just do n't know what to do with the computers .
3 erm schools just do n't help girls to have both and so a lot of the talk about underachievement , and I do n't like that word , amongst girls really ignores the fact that girls are n't underachieving when they do n't go all out for occupational success , when they do n't set their goals very high in schools , they are being very rational because if they do achieve they are going to be faced with immense problems .
4 Is part of the problem that the schools just do n't communicate with the parents ?
5 ‘ We 've tried one or two of them , but the kids just do n't want to know .
6 The trouble here is that these kids just do n't understand it . ’
7 The kids just do n't seem to know the difference between movies and and what 's real .
8 ‘ Those people in warm offices in Brussels just do n't understand what the climate is like here .
9 I wish PWL had far more competition , but when it comes to pop music the major labels just do n't understand it . ’
10 Great Frank , but unfortunately my strengths just do n't allow me to run that way .
11 A lot of the others like McWhirter just do n't seem to care .
12 And Cathy and Angie just do n't get on with them or something .
13 Your thoughts and opinions just do n't matter to me . ’
14 I know some folk wo n't change for anybody they just go harping on in their dialect and er well this fellow said some visitors just do n't understand him I always find myself translating in a situation like that .
15 Sight — is it just me , or does anyone else think these 3-D Freescape thingies just do n't work on 8-bit computers ?
16 Our lives just do n't fit together at all . ’
17 Parents just do n't like it , you know — quite a lot of parents . ’
18 Some folk just do n't know what to be at .
19 Some folk just do n't get a choice .
20 He said : ‘ There is not one club in Britain that can be compared to this one — the trouble is people in England just do n't realise that .
21 But you know , I 'm getting older all the time ( laughs ) , and the tight trousers just do n't fit me like they used . ’
22 ‘ I think we make the most of having a good time , which a lot of bands just do n't bother saying .
23 ‘ I think we make the most of having a good time , which a lot of bands just do n't bother saying .
24 Even on the richest land drought is damaging , but in a garden with sharp-draining soil — especially on a hot , south-facing site — it can create a positive dust bowl , a place where plants just do n't seem to survive .
25 Most people who are used to working with cameras will know that certain colours just do n't work , but a few like to be reminded .
26 Most notably the sheer agony of sitting over a blank sheet of paper when ideas just do n't come .
27 The Spanish growers may be doing their best to provide tomatoes acceptable to the English market but evidently English varieties and the Spanish soil and climatic conditions just do n't suit each other .
28 Right , if we broaden the number of commodities , and recognize that er , farming is a multi-product enterprise , alright , farmers just do n't produce one produce , alright , they tend to produce a whole range of products , and therefore we 've got to accommodate these inter-relationships between prices of barley , prices of wheat , prices of oil seed rape , s and er , and so on and so forth , and there can be a nu a number of fairly complex inter-relationships er , there .
29 It has not reneged on any of its claims , but , with the box having become a symbol of the garbage crisis , it concedes that " our customers just do n't feel good about it " .
30 I tell you , pork and beef just do n't mix on the same plate . ’
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