Example sentences of "[noun] than [pers pn] have [been] " in BNC.

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1 There were other reasons for insecurity , too : no matter how much material prosperity had come a family 's way , there was still every chance that illness or a premature death might send them all back down a snake at a much faster speed than they had been able to climb up a ladder .
2 Child support will therefore not necessarily be any more reliable or regular in the future than it has been in the past .
3 If rural areas are to absorb and retain more labour than they have been expected to do in the past then agriculture and other forms of primary production will have a key role to play .
4 He also knew , however , that if , as now seemed inevitable , Germany were defeated , it would be even harder for Spain to survive economic isolation than it had been hereto .
5 She was even more aware of him in the total blackness than she had been before .
6 As we have already seen , the law has been less ready to protect these interests from negligently inflicted harm than it has been to protect person and tangible property , but we are now concerned only with liability for intended harm .
7 There was plenty of flying , sport , and my work on the aircraft was nearer to the pulse of the Air Force than I had been before .
8 Incredulity in one 's listener is a great silencer , particularly when it verges on ridicule , and Bob was likely to prove a milder critic than I had been .
9 The British emerged from their wars against Louis XIV in a calmer flame of mind than they had been in during the disturbed and excited seventeenth century .
10 And trade unions , though obviously weakened by Thatcherism , are indubitably more popular institutions than they have been for decades .
11 ‘ If we can expose their dependence on feminizing women , ’ she says , we can show that this world system is also dependent on artificial notions of masculinity : this seemingly overwhelming world system may be more fragile and open to radical change than we have been led to imagine .
12 I believe that Wales is much better placed to ride out the worldwide recession than it has been and I can give the hon. Gentleman this pledge : I and my ministerial colleagues will continue to do everything that we can to attract investment to Wales .
13 She saw the water at a higher level than it had been when Henrietta had been lowered into it and the mouths of the two pipes were almost submerged .
14 It is probable that plague remained a constant threat , even if it is less well recorded in contemporary writings than at an earlier date ; probably men were more inured to its presence than they had been in the first shock of 1348 .
15 If possible , life was harder even for these ragged redskins than it had been for their forefathers after the war with Rope Thrower , when their livelihood had been deliberately burned away from them .
16 The Queen Victoria Hotel and the Marine , the Duke 's Head and the Swan were livelier with visitors than they had been .
17 Retracing my steps , I realized with a shock that I was no more able to find my way back to the village than I 'd been able to find the place we 'd been raking .
18 Social and economic change and political and industrial movements had by the end of the century made ‘ the social question , a more central political and intellectual issue than it had been in 1870 .
19 Persian rugs still possess an undoubted mystique , and are generally more expensive than those from other countries , but price differentials have been steadily eroding , and they are now generally cheaper in comparison to rugs from other countries than they have been for decades .
20 Storm or no storm , she could no more have returned to the inn than she had been able to return penitent to the bosom of her family six long years ago , when the same stigma would have been laid to her then as had been laid to her now .
21 But in practice the intrusion of the laity into government service made it rather less like a twentieth-century bureaucracy than it had been in the later middle ages .
22 ‘ Oh , Mr Varna , I 'm so sorry … ’ she stuttered , even more horrified by her gaffe than she had been about letting a strange woman push her way into the holy of holies .
23 The world was a less " moral " place than it had been before the war : Germany and Japan had brought to a crisis the sickness which infected civilization , but their collapse had not cured it but left it raging everywhere . "
24 In the fourth century , Athenian democracy was curtailed in ways harder to resist than a Hyperbolus , who could simply be got rid of : the institutionalized power of the men who administered the various state funds grew in the course of the fourth century , and as such people got above themselves Athens became a less democratic place than it had been in the fifth century .
25 KITS needed much more of her attention than it had been getting recently , and was now in a disturbing financial position : it did n't look as if the company would make a profit in 1966 .
26 However , it may be wrong to assume that this inability to create a coordinated response is a bad thing : a truly-integrated response to the cities from the Conservative governments elected in 1979 and after might have been even more detrimental to the major conurbations than it has been .
27 ‘ But South Africa are a much better team than they 've been given credit for , and they are getting better with every match .
28 He was evidently much more successful in the art of privacy than she had been .
29 But , as Mosley noted with satisfaction , these supporters were no more use to their new leader than they had been to the BUF .
30 The production industry was much less active during the war than it had been before , producing an average of only 69 films annually , and as few as 46 in 1942 .
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