Example sentences of "[noun] come [coord] [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 Robert seems to have had a special affection for the Orynthia ; whereas many mariners came and went as the whim took them , he stuck to his old ship .
2 Overall , though , most individuals survive with a good enough attachment pattern established in early life , and from then on attachments and separations come and go as the span of life develops .
3 She tailed off , colour coming and going as she remembered what had happened both before and after that fateful conversation she 'd overheard , and saw in his eyes an echo of everything that she was feeling .
4 People came and went as she sat thinking about this .
5 People come and go as they wish and people call there .
6 Yet , in contrast to official policy , Contact staff allowed users to come and go as they pleased in the centres .
7 ‘ It 's his choice to come or go as he pleases , ’ he said .
8 She knew her limitations better than she knew her worth , and she taught in a private school because it gave her a little more latitude to come and go as she wished — an important point , since she cared for an old mother whom eighty years had made exacting .
9 She no longer needed a constant attendant by then and Annunziata and Comfort came and went as they chose .
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