Example sentences of "[noun] come from [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This year Moss expects less than 20% of turnover to come from sales of framework technologies — he hopes end user products will make up 80% — and only 5% or 10% during 1994 .
2 Certainly some of the tension came from implementation of a restructuring programme .
3 Words came from Adam in a toneless chant : ‘ Then the sea rose in a great wave and swept away the witch 's daughter , and she was never seen on Starr Hills again … ’
4 Citrine , now more aware of the new world they lived in , was more willing to contemplate price increases to finance investment , but conflicting signals came from Whitehall about both the merit and the practicability of such a change .
5 Light came from windows in the roof and Ana was bathed in the light , the barn dim around her .
6 Roger Parrish , his wife Pauline and son Barney came from Newnham in Gloucestershire to the River Yonne outside Auxerre with a wreath and a message for Joanna .
7 ‘ In 1991 , entries came from women in many fields . ’
8 At least once a fortnight there have been confusing signals coming from rugby in South Africa , in contrast to the clear-cut campaign that South African cricket conducted on their way to entry in the World Cup in New Zealand and Australia in this southern summer .
9 There are lots of screams coming from universities about them being hard done by , being cut back financially and so on so forth .
10 The data come from video-recordings of lessons in progress , supplemented by interviews with both the teachers and children involved .
11 These distinctive characteristics come from differences in minute quantities of flavouring constituents whose concentrations are at the threshold of human sensory perception .
12 General pictures of what happens during the middle years are inevitably flawed , but they suggest that a change often takes place in marriage at that time and that for many people satisfactions come from sources outside the couple 's relationship .
13 If they exist , these pictures come from specialists in disinformation with a grudge .
14 An interesting insight into the kind of restructuring which had occurred in memory when subjects discovered what the theme of the passage was in Thorndyke 's experiment comes from recall in the narrative after-theme condition .
15 Strongest support came from respondents from firms in the 3–10 partner category , who accounted for nearly 35% of those answering ‘ yes ’ to the question .
16 The money came from royalties from Bohemian Rhapsody — the 1975 hit re-released following the 45-year-old singer 's death from the disease last November — which shot to No 1 in the pop charts and was named best-selling A-side at the Ivor Novello Awards yesterday .
17 The Group , which intends to operate nationally , does not set an upper limit on the size of customer , but expects 80 per cent of its work to come from companies with a turnover of between £0.5M to £5M .
18 This year Moss expects less than 20% to come from sales of framework technologies and hopes end-user products will be 80% — and only 5% or 10% during 1994 .
19 The early Christian influence came from England from the tenth century onwards and its principal centre was at Uppsala .
20 Learning of Gibson 's pioneering insight , Peter Medawar came from Oxford to Glasgow specifically to work with him .
21 About a third of the help came from advisers in Citizens Advice Bureaux .
22 Jonathon came from Devizes in Wiltshire and graduated in history and art during the summer .
23 And where we 're going the winds come from right around the globe . ’
24 Some of the best evidence for sophisticated residual pattern vision after visual cortex ablation comes from work on tree shrews which can relearn some pattern discriminations after total removal of primary visual cortex ( Kiltackey , Snyder , and Diamond 1971 ) .
25 The cry for help comes from officers at Long Lartin Prison near Evesham .
26 Firstly , their income is less likely than the rest of the population to come from earnings from employment ; and more likely to be derived from pensions from the state or from past employers or from savings .
27 Justin came from Nablus in Palestine to Ephesus where , according to his own account ( which may not be plain prose ) , he studied with teachers of several different schools — Stoic , Aristotelian , Pythagorean , Platonist — expecting from the last named not only clarity for his mind but light for his soul .
28 In a study of Nottinghamshire , Leicestershire and Staffordshire police , they found that 25 per cent of all crimes discovered in Notts came from admission by those in custody , while in Leicestershire and Staffordshire the figures were 4 per cent and 8 per cent respectively .
29 Much of the opposition to the ERA came from adherents to fundamentalist religious movements which take literally Biblical statements such as St Paul 's to the Ephesians — ‘ Wives , be subject to your husband as to the Lord ’ and ‘ As the church is subject to Christ , so let wives also be subject in everything to their husbands ’ .
30 In part , the impetus for reform came from concern over the efficiency of the long-established regulatory regimes and , in particular , a belief that many self-regulatory systems may have evolved into restrictive practices dressed up to be in the public interest .
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